Iʼve raised £9,000 to help support the John Radcliffe Hospital's Adult ICU Team through this very challenging time.
- Oxfordshire
- Funded on Monday, 31st August 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
14 April Update: Just a note to let you all know that the majority of the funds donated by you all have now been transferred across to the team at the Oxford JR Adult ICU for them to use as outlined below. As donations continue to come in I will keep the page open for the foreseeable future. Thanks for all your FANTASTIC support. Here's why this crowdfunding page has been set up:
We are all living in challenging and uncharted times as the world fights COVID-19.
Many people will be making massive sacrifices to combat this deadly virus in the coming months, none more so than those working in the JR Oxford Adult Intensive Care Unit.
We have all seen the images and heard the stories of what it is like for Intensive Care Workers in China, Italy and Spain and it could soon be the same here.
While the government and others are sorting out the big issues on equipment, medicines and ventilators etc., this crowdfunding page has been set up to help the ICU team at the JR with some of the simpler things to boost morale and help the Unit through the difficult times ahead.
The aim is to provide pizza deliveries, a coffee machine (now the coffee shops are closed), taxis home after what might be a 48-hour shift, and anything else they might need.
Any donation will be gratefully received - please share to friends and family in Oxfordshire.
Thank you.
Updates appear here
Ron started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
May 18, 2020
May 4, 2020
Apr 29, 2020
Apr 16, 2020
Thank you.
Aquatrols Europe Ltd
Apr 14, 2020
Apr 12, 2020
Apr 11, 2020
We think that you are all amazing and thank you so much
What is crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered charity.
The page owner is responsible for the distribution of funds raised.
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Create you own page and donʼt let that cause go unfunded!
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