We did it!
Oliver raised £31,278.3 from 898 supporters
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Closed 13/11/2018
Iʼve raised £31,278 to Oliver's Neuroblastoma Appeal
- Blackburn, United Kingdom
- Funded on Tuesday, 13th November 2018
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To follow Oliver's journey please like his Facebook page www.facebook.com/oliverneuroblastomaappeal
HELP! Our son Oliver has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 high risk Neuroblastoma on his 3rd birthday. He has now started his chemotherapy treatment and we hope these are the first steps towards him being cancer free. Unfortunately, as Oliver was diagnosed 2 weeks after trials finished, we have been told that Immunology, which is a beneficial Neuroblastoma treatment, is currently unavailable on the NHS.
Research suggests that it will give Oliver a better chance of the cancer not returning if he was able to access this after his initial treatment has been completed. It is difficult to put an estimate on the amount needed as it depends on the trials that are available at the time and recommendations by our consultant. Previous treatment has been at a cost of approx £200,000 and so we are asking for help in raising this money over the next 9 months so it is ready when his initial treatment is complete. Any help would be greatly appreciated. This could be donations, organising fundraising activities or sharing this with your friends and family.
Please note that if Oliver cannot use this money for whatever reason we will donate all the money to a charity so another child will benefit from this potentially life saving treatment
- 6 years ago
6 years agoWe are hoping that Oliver will be accepted onto a vaccine trial which will start in the new year in New York. This will be funded with the money we have raised with your help over the last 16 months. As we will need the funds from the JustGiving page for this treatment we have closed the JustGiving page but we will have a new fundraising link on our page as soon as possible. Please bear with us whilst we transfer things over and if you want to donate in this time please message us. Thank you again to everybody who has helped us get this far 💛
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Paul Byrne
Nov 8, 2018
Nov 8, 2018
Gino Passerini
Nov 8, 2018
Kirsty Prior
Oct 26, 2018
Oct 24, 2018
Oct 20, 2018
Oct 12, 2018
With love Trafford L78
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