We did it!
Martin Hall raised £1,435 from 55 supporters
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Closed 23/10/2018
Iʼve raised £1,435 to Help promote Junior Squash in Northamptonshire
- Brackley, UK
- Funded on Tuesday, 23rd October 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
Come 1st September 2018 a group of Junior Squash Coaches are planning to play a match on EVERY squash club in Northamptonshire.
Just to add a greater challenge we’re cycling between each venue. The plan is to start in Kettering at 9am and finish in Brackley late into the evening.
So that’s 70 miles of cycling and 14 games of squash, all in one day.
Why are we doing this?
A very good question which I keep asking myself!!
We are doing this to promote the squash clubs in Northamptonshire and to raise some money for the Junior section of Northants Squash Association.
Just to give you a picture
Junior squash at the county level was non-existent until very recently. Last year we organised;
8 Grand Prix events
8 County Training session
The closed county Junior championships
95 children have taken part in these events
That’s good but….
Whilst we are very proud of what we have achieved we want more and have a 10-year plan to be competitive at the Junior level at the intercounty level.
● This coming year we are stepping up the game with Junior Team squash, getting 9 Junior teams in internal leagues
● We are also aiming to expand the base of Juniors so that we can grow the Junior section and find the children who can coach towards the inter county standard.
How can you help?
● If you would like to challenge yourself to the full experience, we are asking for a £50 minimum contribution to join us
● You can join in at one of the squash venues and support us there
● We will need a team of people to help with logistics
● Donate to the cause via our Just Giving Page
What will you do with the money?
● We will invest in kit for the teams
● We will support Junior coaching and invest in individuals who need support
- 7 years ago
Martin Hall
7 years agoMany thanks for all your generous donations. We did it, 14 clubs in the day. Tired legs to day but the satisfaction of achieving our target with your generous help. If you want to see a montage of our day then please visit our Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/pg/NorthantsJuniorSquash/photos/?tab=album&album_id=519667001787963
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- 7 years ago
Martin Hall
7 years agoGreat response so far thanks all. Keep speading the word. 3 days to go.... Final planning meeting tomorrow, radio on Friday, off on Saturday.
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- 7 years ago
Martin Hall
7 years agoAs our clubs have changed slightly we are now cycling 80 miles. Ray and Mike will also be doing a pre-play match in Corby which doesn't have any courts in a pop up court.
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Martin Hall started crowdfunding
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Chris Munday
Sep 25, 2018
Well done and a great cause
Dipak Chotai
Sep 12, 2018
well done guys
Jane Rixon
Sep 10, 2018
Well done to all of you.....amazing achievement!
Sep 6, 2018
Roger Brown
Sep 5, 2018
James Roberts
Sep 3, 2018
Brilliant effort and glad you came to Corby to highlight the appalling lack of facilities. Hopefully one day you will be able to have a proper game on a proper court here!
joanne wallis
Sep 3, 2018
Well done Northants! I'm impressed with your efforts to raise funds for Junior Squash!Bravo!!#toohillytoconsiderthisinDerbyshire!
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Martin Hall
Brackley, UK
I am one of the coaches at Brackley Squash club in the south of Northants. I have been playing squash since I was 19. I was really inspired when I got into team squash. Like most parents I wanted to get my children to play so I worked with the club to set up the Junior Section.