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Nina Morris-Evans raised £30 from 1 supporter
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Closed 22/02/2017
Iʼve raised £30 to fund the Achvat Amim study programme in Israel
- Funded on Wednesday, 22nd February 2017
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The money goes towards taking part in the Achvat Amim (Solidarity of Nations) programme. The five month course aims to improve Arab-Israeli relations by studying alongside, and volunteering among a range of Arab communities in Jerusalem. It helps to build a more just and egalitarian society, enhance understanding among peoples, advance non-violence and peace activities, and advocate civil and human rights
Its a fantastic and relatively new initiative set up by academics with involvement from organisations such as Rabbis for Human Rights. For more information follow this link: http://www.achvatamim.org/
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Nina Morris-Evans started crowdfunding
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Jan 25, 2017
Good luck with the programme - it's a great thing to be doing
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