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Nicola Lambert raised £1,510 from 31 supporters


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Closed 01/07/2017

raised of £7,500 target by 31 supporters

    Iʼve raised £1,510 to help Nicola Lambert fund an 18 week programme of DBT treatment at The Priory Hospital Hayes Grove, Bromley, Kent.

    Bromley, United Kingdom
    Funded on Saturday, 1st July 2017

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    One morning in 2011 I noticed my heart rate was faster than normal. I decided a trip to the doctors was needed. On this first visit I was started on medication to slow my heart down and a referral to the hospital was done. At this point I never knew my life was going to change for ever. I was advised I needed a catheter ablation on my heart to get it beating more normally. The first was unsuccessful and all I gained was 2 blood clots on my lung.This was the first of my 7 ablations...5 in Eastbourne and 2 in London. After my 5th ablation in August 2013 my heart decided to stop. I then had my first pacemaker fitted. After many complications, new leads added and new devices due to a serious infection called endocarditis, I am now on pacemaker number 7 too.
    In December 2015 I was driving when I blacked out at the wheel. This lead to me losing my driving licence. This was the biggest blow of my life. I relied on my car so much due to limited mobility. This is when my current condition started. I woke up one morning after the accident having had enough. Mental health conditions are something people don't like talking about but they can creep up on anyone at anytime. I had been through so much but my strength had finally been taken away from me.
    Since December 2015 I have been admitted to mental health hospitals multiple times due to suicidal thoughts and behaviours. I feel out of control completely. I have had 4 months of health psychology on the NHS and am on medication to try and help. I have a community psychiatric nurse and care coordinator who I see fortnightly to try and keep me safe. I am awaiting an MRI on my brain to see if my repeated cardiac arrest or the accident has affected my brain but the main treatment I need is an 18 week program of Dialectical Behavior therapy (DBT). There is a 12 month minimum NHS waiting list so I'm investigaving private treatment to help me stay safe and alive. Each day is a challenge so a year is an unimaginable wait.



    Nicola Lambert

    Updates appear here

      8 years ago

      Nicola Lambert started crowdfunding

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      Page last updated on: 6/30/2017 23.36



      • Tony Neads

        Tony Neads

        Jun 30, 2017

        be strong nikki - get better kiddo - from tony and claire


      • Tony Neads

        Tony Neads

        Jun 24, 2017

        hi nikki - claire has been moved by your situation and we have counted the pennies and hope this can help again - be strong - we wish you well x


      • Trevor Weeks

        Trevor Weeks

        Jun 20, 2017

        Sorry its not more. if I can afford more later I will try to donate extra.


      • Tony Neads

        Tony Neads

        Jun 17, 2017


      • Nicole Firminger

        Nicole Firminger

        Apr 8, 2017


      • Nigel Crouch

        Nigel Crouch

        Apr 7, 2017

        Nikki - this is for Gavin who is running the Brighton marathon this weekend. Great to know that there are some great things going on to support you! xxx


      • Alison Dunn

        Alison Dunn

        Apr 6, 2017


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      Nicola Lambert

      Nicola Lambert

      Bromley, United Kingdom

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