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Nick Payne raised £2,184.99 from 77 supporters
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Closed 25/09/2020
Iʼve raised £2,184 to support grassroots football at Finchampstead Football Club & the NHS
- Finchampstead
- Funded on Friday, 25th September 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
I‘m lucky to have been a part of my local football club, Finchampstead, since I was 5 years old, playing in the youth teams and now in the men’s set up, as well as coaching ages between 4 and 16. It really is a fantastic community club, that is made up by the countless amazing volunteers who give up their time, all so I and others can pretend to be Messi for 90 minutes.
Since Covid-19 disrupted our day-to-day way of life, it’s been amazing to see the club come together, whether it’s through the virtual tournaments or people rallying behind the teams on social media.
To show my thanks to the people who do some much for myself and the club, I’ve decided to take on a challenge, to hopefully raise some funding to help the efforts of keeping our club going and funding grassroots football at Finchmpstead, in what are financially difficult times. I also want to show my support to the many NHS workers and volunteers who, outside of football, have done so much over the last few months to make people safe.
So I am going to be running 100KM throughout the month of June (30 days). For those of you who know Finchamstead you understand this is a literal uphill battle.
I appreciate football isn‘t for everyone but grassroots, especially at Finchampstead, does an awful lot for the community, and as for the NHS, I‘m sure you don’t need me to tell you what they do for our community.
Any donations would greatly appreciated, and if you’re even more inspired come and join in on a run.
- 5 years ago
Nick Payne
5 years agoToday’s run was just over a half marathon which takes me to 105.1km run in 13 days! Thank you all for your support. Given that there’s just over 2 weeks left of June and I’m raising money for two great causes I’m going to now target 100 miles (160.9km) by the end of June! Please feel free to share to anyone you know so we can keep generating support for all those involved at Finchampstead Football Club & the great NHS!
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- 5 years ago
Nick Payne
5 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 5 years ago
Nick Payne
5 years agoLegs were feeling it this morning!
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Nick Payne started crowdfunding
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Jun 28, 2020
Well done Nicholas . Proud of you x
Jessica Alley
Jun 27, 2020
Amazing Nick, well done X
Jun 27, 2020
Love it mate 👏🏼👏🏼
Jun 27, 2020
Crazy - but we’ll done x
Jun 26, 2020
Jon Hutch
Jun 25, 2020
Well done fella! Great work, great cause ⚽️
Jun 25, 2020
Up the finches (and the NHS)
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