We did it!
Nic Cooper raised £850 from 24 supporters
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Closed 24/01/2017
Iʼve raised £850 to help fund our new 'Library Bus' which will provide an exciting new library for the children of St Laurence Primary School.
- Warborough, United Kingdom
- Funded on Tuesday, 24th January 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
St Laurence School has been at the heart of our community for many years. Today there are 94 children at the school and we are in need of some more space! The success of our village school is due to committed staff, the quality of the education provided and the support of the community. On-going improvements to the building and maintaining high quality education are essential in order to continue to attract parents and children from both within the community and outside, and to create a school appropriate to the 21st century. We are, therefore, planning to have a transformed London Bus as our new library, not only creating a stimulating and exciting learning environment for the children to nurture their love of books, but to also provide the school with added learning space. To be able to do this, we still need to raise £10K and we are asking everyone to be involved. Various fundraising events are already planned for the future and we hope that our ‘Buy a Share of a London Bus’ campaign will increase our funds considerably. Shares will be for sale at £10 each. Pupils, parents, family, friends, villagers, ex-pupils and their parents, please support our project by buying a share – or two or more!
- 8 years ago
Nic Cooper
8 years agoThank you all so very much for your kind donations. The response to this page and our leaflet drop in the village is overwhelming. We are now over the £2000 mark! I just keep thinking how much the children will just absolutely love this new experience. Please keep sharing & encouraging people to donate! Thank you!
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Ellie Drury
Jan 2, 2017
Sounds like a fantastic project! Best of luck with the fund raising. From an old pupil :)
Martyn and Elaine Drury
Jan 2, 2017
Nigel and Julie Meadows
Jan 1, 2017
It's so exciting !
kinvara jennings
Dec 17, 2016
Dec 4, 2016
Michael Southon
Dec 4, 2016
So exciting! What a difference it will make! Rosie
Lily and Jessie Clayton
Nov 30, 2016
Looking forward to some cool new books and an even cooler place to read them!
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