We did it!
natasha king raised £290.8 from 25 supporters
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Closed 15/09/2018
Iʼve raised £290 to support April Lodge Guinea Pig Rescue. I will be launching myself off of the ArcelorMittal Orbit in Stratford. 80metres high :-)
- Funded on Saturday, 15th September 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
About the Rescue.
April Lodge Guinea Pig Rescue was established in 2004 and have cared for over 2000 unwanted guinea pigs in our 12 year history. We’re proud to say that over 1500 of these went on to be adopted and over 100 went into foster care. We endeavour to find our guinea pigs kind, loving, permanent homes following a poor start in life.
About me.
I lost my mum to lymphoma in 2012 who was a massive lover of guinea pigs and bred and raised them her whole life. Her love for them rubbed of on all of her 4 children. I am a full time teacher and volunteer at this charity every half term. Each time im there i feel that little bit closer to mum. I would like to give back and show my appreciation to Val the charity Founder. :-)
Registered with the Charities Commission, number 1121002 since 2007
Charity Founder: Val Savage B.A.R., Guinea Pig Health Advisor
Updates appear here
natasha king started crowdfunding
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Daren Norris
Aug 18, 2018
We'll done Tash Val & Daz
Dad & Gina
Aug 18, 2018
Well done high flying Tasha
Matthew + Natalie Tye
Aug 17, 2018
Well done smashed it, onto the shard next!!!
Yvette Cotton
Aug 16, 2018
Go Tash!!
Pam James
Aug 16, 2018
What a brave thing to do well done Tash
Aug 16, 2018
Emma Twaite
Aug 16, 2018
Good luck from Fred and booty 🐷
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