We did it!
Natasha Gollop raised £750 from 41 supporters
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Closed 20/07/2019
Iʼve raised £750 to to fund a Batec wheelchair attachment which is a bike attachment that clips onto a manual wheelchair
- Lincoln, UK
- Funded on Saturday, 20th July 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
I’m 39 with cerebral palsy ive always struggled with transport I’ve tried a power chair but never got on with it so I’m going to attempt to walk up and down my ramp 100 times in 2hrs in an attempt to raise money for a Batec wheelchair attachment
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Natasha Gollop started crowdfunding
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Jul 16, 2019
May 18, 2019
I hope you manage to raise enough, it looks like a very useful piece of equipment and will hopefully make you more mobile :-)
May 12, 2019
Pat Punton
May 12, 2019
Hope this goes a little way to help in some small way xx
Owen Picker
May 6, 2019
After all the times I’ve seen you around town you deserve something this is great to make your independence even better
Sarah Dennington
May 6, 2019
It’s not a lot but every little bit helps. Your amazing Tasha xxx
Apr 26, 2019
Hope you get there soon xx
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