We did it!
Nataliia Kulchytska raised £1,125 from 26 supporters
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Closed 23/06/2023
Iʼve raised £1,125 to buy an Ambulance for 65 mobile hospital in Donetsk region (Ukraine) for saving lives
- Funded on Friday, 23rd June 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
My name is Natalie Kulchytska and I am from Ukraine. I’m here in the UK because of the barbaric war Russia started against my country.
First of all, I’d like to thank you for having me and my son in your country. I’m being hosted by a wonderfully kind family in Somerset. I can’t thank the British people enough for their kindness and support.
My fellow Ukrainians are fighting to protect my family, our land, and potentially the whole of Europe from Russian tyranny.
I would kindly ask you to donate for an Ambulance that will help our doctors save the lives of men, women and children living in the front line of the Donetsk region.
We need to raise £20,000 and would appreciate any kind of donation, however small.
Please "Stand with Ukraine” and thank you so much for your support.
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Nataliia Kulchytska started crowdfunding
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Kate S
Apr 24, 2023
William Webb
Apr 20, 2023
Great Cause
Apr 16, 2023
Nicky and Tony
Apr 13, 2023
What incredibly courageous and determined people. Thank you so much for protecting all of us!
Apr 9, 2023
Henry Dobson
Apr 5, 2023
Natalia… you’re a Saint! 😇 Good Luck in your relentless pursuit to raise funds for such worthy causes. ⛑🇺🇦❤️
Jan Malýdar
Mar 28, 2023
43 more of us at £2.00 should get is to the k mark.Apparently £2.00 is the minimum donation.Well - that won't break the bank, will it?
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