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Deborah Holmes raised £615 from 22 supporters
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Closed 12/12/2017
Iʼve raised £615 to help Deborah Holmes who is currently fighting a battle with Ewing's Sarcoma, and her family that have experienced a very difficult few years
- East Malling, United Kingdom
- Funded on Tuesday, 12th December 2017
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The Holmes are a wonderful, inspiring family who have recently won the Most Courageous Family Award in Kent, which says it all.
The last few years have been incredibly difficult for the Holmes family, Deborah was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma aged 10 and just over a year later their beloved father and husband Anthony was taken from them by Cancer, leaving Cheryl to raise her three daughters alone. While the family have been blessed with enormous support from friends, family and the local community, there is only so much that can be done without reaching out to more good Samaritans. As Deborah’s illness has changed and become more aggressive, so have the financial demands necessary to help fight this disease.
Deborah is now 14 years old, and is continuing her battle against this aggressive type of bone cancer with further Chemotherapy in an attempt to stabilise the advancement of the disease. She has already gone through so much with numerous major surgical procedures including a Proximal Femoral Replacement, two Craniotomy’s and many rounds of Chemo and Radiotherapy. Deborah is now reaching the end of possible treatments available on the NHS, and she is now on a quality of life agenda rather than a hoping for a cure. Deborah experiences constant pain and is not living the life that any 14 year old should expect. However, she has not given up and is fights every day with a determination to live life to the best of her ability and cherish the good moments with her family.
Without Anthony’s support the family now find themselves in an uncertain situation and having lived with this disease for the last four years and it has depleted their financial reserves, there is no back up and they are left with no choice other than selling their home. Cheryl is remarkable in her strength, staying positive and motivated, with a determination to offer a normal life and stability for her three amazing girls despite battling with her own long term health conditions. Caring for Deborah full-time and regular trips to London hospitals is at times are very difficult.
Deborah has recently undergone surgery and is now trying changes in nutrition and treatment to shrink the tumours, positively improve her overall health and try and restore her body’s natural balance. Cheryl is looking into the possibility of overseas treatment options to stabilise the cancer, there are currently trials and medications not available in the UK. For this to take place Deborah must be well enough to travel. Alternative treatments are expensive and are not currently available on the NHS so we ask for donations, big or small. Your help would be truly welcome and will give Deborah an opportunity to benefit from accessing these other options.
Please help us to help this amazing family whose story is devastating but sadly, real. They always manage to keep a smile on their faces and joy in their hearts. We would be delighted if you would get involved, and email us with your ideas.
We have set up this crowd funding page to raise funds as quickly as possible. Please share this on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc and help us to get Deborah the best treatment possible and support the family as much as we can. Many hands make light work and together we can give this family the ability to face the challenges ahead.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read their story. All money raised is paid directly to the Holmes Family and Cheryl's fundraising account.
- 7 years ago
Deborah Holmes
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- 7 years ago
Deborah Holmes
7 years agowe want to thank everyone for their most generous support so far and very kind donations to the Holmes family. Unfortunately due to set up issues, we have had to create a new page which is up and running and this one will be closed. All of your heartfelt comments have been pasted in the update sections of the new page and the money will be transferred. Our sincere apologies for any concerns this has raised but the fundraising continues to our goal and we are determined to achieve it! search for "deborah holmes" to find the new page
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Deborah Holmes started crowdfunding
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Prima Stage School
Dec 12, 2017
From all of us at Prima Stage School - we wish you all well - you are one amazing family xx
Chris Chapman
Dec 11, 2017
Your strength, courage and determination never ceases to amaze us!
Chantelle Colgan
Dec 10, 2017
Mark and Mandy Harris
Dec 10, 2017
You are amazing and keep going - we love you all so much xx❤️ Mandy -and Lucy Harris ..xxx
Elaine Reynolds
Dec 9, 2017
Kate Beattie
Dec 8, 2017
Clair Goble
Dec 8, 2017
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Deborah Holmes
East Malling, United Kingdom
We are aiming to raise £10,000 to assist with Deborah’s current and future treatment against this rare and devastating bone cancer and to offer support to her family that have experienced a very difficult few years.