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Carol Sinfield raised £170 from 4 supporters
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Closed 13/04/2019
Iʼve raised £170 to help Nantwich & District RDA Community
- Nantwich, UK
- Funded on Saturday, 13th April 2019
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We are Nantwich & District area of Riding for the Disabled. We have full support of the RDA but not funding. The project is run solely by volunteers and organised by the wonderful Sheila Saner.
We currently have access to a mechanical horse at Reaseheath college and we own 3 wonderful horses Ben, Mac and Bobby. We loan Bernard and borrow Dublin from the college. The response locally from disabled people to ride has been overwhelming and we are excited to help as many people as possible to accomplish learning to ride and achieving their goals no matter what their disability.
We have riders from children as young as 2 years old right up to mature adults. The challenges these potential riders face is huge. Many suffer with learning difficulties, mobility challenges for example being confined to a wheelchair, some limbs not functioning at all, mental health issues, brain trauma, PTSD, communication challenges such as deafness and so each person we work with is unique. This may mean we need specialist equipment in order to enable that person to mount the horse, tailored reins or tack so help the person hold on and of course all the key safety equipment of helmets etc.
The project needs this vital funding to keep it running. The ongoing yearly costs of horse care (livery, food, hay, stabling, bedding, care) exceed £12,000 (already discounted by the college). These figures do not include any vets fees which would include vaccinations and treating unforeseen health issues with the horses. We would like additional funding in place to be able to provide competition opportunities as our riders skills develop and introduction of a system to track and reward progress.
Just £5 would provide food, bedding, stable and care for a horse for a day.
Just £10 would pay for a horses shoes for a week.
Just £23 would pay for the hire of an arena for a ½ day for our riders.
Just £70 would buy a protective helmet for one of our riders.
Its proven that riding and interaction with horses helps people get active, improve mobility, enhance communication skills, build confidence, helps people to overcome barriers and raises self esteem. We want to give our local disabled community the ability to interact with real ponies which has shown to unlock feelings, emotions and self-belief that they and their families didn’t believe possible. This project will allow them the freedom to be a part of looking after their ponies, building closer relationships with them while also building their confidence in their ability. Many of the people who have visited already have explained that they rarely leave their house. One ex-soldier suffering with PTSD in another RDA group said after spending time with the horse alone, getting the opportunity to talk about what happened to him with no-one to judge and quietly grooming and bonding with the animal, actually enabled him to have the first full nights sleep he could remember without nightmares. We can change peoples lives but we need you to help us do it. This critical funding WILL make the difference. Thank you in anticipation.
- 4 years ago
Carol Sinfield
4 years agoOur Nantwich & District RDA journey has been incredible - from starting with a mechanical horse and no real horses to now having 3 of our very own ponies and 2 on loan. Our service has greatly impacted many lives and we hope with your support to be able to continue this wonderful group.
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Amanda Bransgrove
Nov 12, 2018
Great work Carol. I hope you raise lots more for a very worthy cause.
Michael Doherty
Oct 27, 2018
Good luck Carol!
Oct 26, 2018
Roy Senior
Oct 23, 2018
Great cause Carol, I have seen another RDA organisation in action and it was amazing.Good luck with the fundraising.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Carol Sinfield
Nantwich, UK
My name is Carol and I am one of many supporters at Nantwich & District Riding for the Disabled. We have wonderful riders from our disabled community who get great benefit from our service, lots of volunteers to help but horses who desperately need your financial support please.