We did it!
Nadia Shaheen raised £930 from 21 supporters
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Closed 02/02/2019
Iʼve raised £930 to Help Fund Open Circle
- Funded on Saturday, 2nd February 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
On *Saturday 13th October 2018* I will be climbing mount Snowdon with my fellow colleagues at Open Circle. Our aim is to raise a total of £12,000 as a team, so that next year we can offer our one-year programme completely free to young Muslims!
Open Circle is a New Roots initiative, designed to cater for an oft-neglected and overlooked group in our communities.
Snapshot of the past year...
We have welcomed more than fifty 11-16 year olds, who have been able to benefit from the unique sessions we run. In our faith & practice sessions they have covered the essentials of purification and prayer, belief in God, the signs of the day of judgement and much more. During conversation sessions, they have discussed many interesting and pertinent topics including: nationalism and citizenship, racism and bullying, the idea of community, role models, drugs & alcohol. In addition to this, we have been able to offer and subsidise some fantastic recreational activities during our motions sessions and our monthly youth hubs, including archery, trampolining, and go-karting. And to top it all off we have recently facilitated a successful and enlightening all-inclusive residential youth camp in the valleys of South Yorkshire, with 74 young Muslims, coming from Birmingham as well as many other parts of the country.
As a not-for-profit organisation, we offer Open Circle FREE OF CHARGE. It is purely funded by fundraising from volunteers and donations. However, it is extremely difficult to remain sustainable without your help, thus we urge you to support us financially and take your share in this service of the community.HOW WE WILL USE YOUR MONEY
We want to be fully transparent about how we will utilise the funds raised. Below is an estimated breakdown for the cost of running one full year of the Open Circle programme.
- Venue hire = £2,000
- Indemnity = £650
- Youth hubs/Events = £2,000
- Guest workshops = £500
- Volunteer training sessions = £500
- Equipment / Stationery / Printing = £500
- DBS / Volunteer training = £200
- Administration = £2,000
- Website hosting = £150
- Filming/Marketing/PR costs = £1000
- Merchandise = £500
- End of year residential = £2,000
Total approx. cost (based on 50 students)=£12,000
This project is very close to our hearts so I urge you to donate whatever you can, I promise you it will make a huge difference.
Together we can give back to our communities, together we can shape the lives of young people, together we can make the future a little better.
For more information about New Roots and for full details of Open Circle, visit: www.nwrts.co.uk
- 6 years ago
Nadia Shaheen
6 years agoJazak Allah Khair for all the donations. May Allah bless you all. Keep the donations coming.
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Dec 4, 2018
Nov 18, 2018
Hi Nadia,Sorry it's late. Almost there!! A small final push needed. Such a brilliant idea. May Allah reward all your efforts!Satvinder x
Oct 13, 2018
Oct 12, 2018
Keep up the good work !
Fas J
Oct 11, 2018
Oct 11, 2018
Good luck, MashaAllah very good cause.
Aisha Lubna
Oct 11, 2018
Mashallah allhamdulliah Allah swt bless you abundantly. Keep up the good work!
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