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Hugh Morrison raised £3,961.7 from 40 supporters
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Closed 24/01/2023
Iʼve raised £3,961 to help fund MvumiFM radio station at Mvumi Village near Dodoma in Tanzania
- Mvumi, Tanzania
- Funded on Tuesday, 24th January 2023
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We wish to help establish a radio station to serve Mvumi village, near Dodoma in Tanzania, and the surrounding area. The unique value of this radio station is as a place of work and training for people with different disabilities, including those who are visually-impaired. It will be a source of news, entertainment, education and information, as well as a means for the community to share its ideas.

Mvumi village is about 30 miles south west from Dodoma, the capital of Tanzania. The village has a population of about 15,000, and a 'catchment' area of over 30,000. The area is populated by a majority of farmers, but the villages are mixed.

Mvumi is a busy village with a broad range of skills from metal fabrication, through building and furnishings. It is also home to a large hospital – including an Eye Clinic - that serves the surrounding territory. The local transport hub to Dodoma, Tanzania’s capital city, Mvumi has four primary schools, and two secondary schools. Unusually for Tanzania, one of the secondary schools, teaching both “O-“ and “A-levels”, contains a specialist unit for Blind and Visually Impaired students (including albino children).

The local instigators of this project have already worked very hard to begin the set up of the radio station, Mvumi FM. It is registered and has a management structure made up of local people from the community and from the media world. They have begun assembling the technology in order to broadcast in Mvumi and to the surrounding catchment area.

To complete the technical side, estimates for the remaining equipment – to be sourced in Europe in order to meet technical standards - amount to about £2200. The current shopping list includes the transmitter, the aerial, remaining studio equipment, air conditioning, uninterruptable power supplies, cabling, and ancillary electronics. A full list of equipment is available. Although the technical side has priority, we would also like to contribute to the establishment of the studio. To comply with regulations, Mvumi FM must have a broadcasting room and a production room.

We represent a support group in the UK who would like to get this very valuable project up and running.

6 years ago
Hugh Morrison
6 years agoGood times - we have enough money to supply the basic equipment for the radio station: - TOTAL (INCLUDING DELIVERY BY DHL) 2555.36 GBP This will be supplied by Aareff Systems in the UK. The remaining funds and any further donations will go to supplying ancillary gear - probably a small mixer, some extra microphones and probably a central computer for recording and managing the transmissions. All the other costs will be borne locally! Well done, everyone, and huge thanks for your generosity.
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6 years ago
Hugh Morrison
6 years agoThe team in Mvumi would like European standard equipment - and we are just able to approach suppliers because the funds are there. We will get this under way in January or February. We are all so happy that these donations are going to make a substantial difference to Mvumi village, the school, even the hospital, and importantly the visually impaired unit at the school. So - a very big and heartfelt thank you to all of you. A lot of good will come of this. Happy Christmas, and happy new year. Hugh Morrison, the UK team, and the Mvumi team.
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Hugh Morrison started crowdfunding
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Helen and Andrew
Mar 10, 2022
Keep up the good work!
Sep 1, 2021
P Russell
Aug 8, 2021
John Strickler
Jan 8, 2021
John &Sue Strickler
Jun 11, 2020
Keep up the good work Iddi!
May 22, 2020
Good luck with the fund raising
Sandy Jackson
May 1, 2020
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Hugh Morrison
Mvumi, Tanzania
Mvumi FM. The MvumiFM group are local people who are setting up this radio station. Some of them work in the school, and others in the village. Hugh Morrison and the UK group behind this funding have all worked for some time in Mvumi village.