We did it!
Mubzz Bajwa raised £6,160 from 67 supporters
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Closed 08/02/2017
Iʼve raised £6,160 to Raise funds for Edhi Ambulance service. This is the largest Voluntary Ambulance service in the world.
- Funded on Wednesday, 8th February 2017
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I had heard about the Edhi Foundation and all the good work they do but only recently have I come to learn of the scale assistance given by this charity. Not only in Pakistan but abroad.
I was taken a back when I read that Edhi had sent support to the States when hurricane Katrina hit that country. There is absolutely no discrimination with this charity when it comes to giving.
The Edhi Ambulance Service was initially started by a second hand Hillman Pickup Truck, which was refurbished into the first ambulance, thereby coining “Poor Patient Ambulance." Now sixty years after, the Edhi ambulance has transformed into the largest fleet of ambulances in the world - 1800 vehicles.
This amazing achievement was recognised when Edhi Foundation was entered in the Guinness World Records for the largest Voluntary Ambulance Service in the world.
If you or anyone of your loved ones has ever had to call an ambulance in an emergency, you would understand how crucial this service is. Often it's a matter of life and death. Edhi are doing anothing amazing job by reaching each emergency within 3 to 5 minutes from receiving the call.
Thousands rely on this service and in my own little way, I hope to help this amazing charity continue their life saving work.
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Mubzz Bajwa started crowdfunding
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Mohammed Shazad
Feb 8, 2017
Nav Anwar
Feb 7, 2017
Confused how to make my donation ???
Feb 7, 2017
Sadak Mirza
Feb 6, 2017
Proud of Mubz
Feb 4, 2017
God bless you for your efforts brother
Mars Osi
Feb 4, 2017
What a legend!
Asad Khan
Feb 1, 2017
Congrats bro 💪Glad I could help A Khan Serious Crime Specialists Q&A LEGAL
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