We did it!
David and James raised £2,740 from 74 supporters
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Closed 04/11/2019
Iʼve raised £2,740 to tackle climate change by taking on Mt. Fuji! 地球温暖化防止を訴えるため、富士山の過酷なチャレンジ!
- Tokyo
- Funded on Monday, 4th November 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
私たち、デイビッドとジェイムズは、現在、地球規模の大きな課題である「気候変動」について世間の関心を高め、問題解決への取り組みを支援する寄付金を集めるため、人生最大のチャレンジに挑戦します!私たちのチャレンジは、駐日英国大使館が2019年9月から実施する1年間にわたるキャンペーン「日英交流年2019-20 」に含まれています。はスポーツの力と自身の情熱を駆使し、英国、日本そして世界でポジティブな変化をもたらしている3つの慈善団体(気候ネットワーク 、Cool Earth UK 、Protect Our Winters UK )を支援します。
David and James are attempting the biggest physical challenge of their lives to raise money and awareness of the environmental impact of climate change, one of the biggest issues affecting our modern world. Our challenge is combined with the British Embassy Tokyo's launch of a year long campaign - UK in JAPAN 2019-20 . We will use the power of sport and our own passion for pushing boundaries to support 3 key charities which are making a difference in the UK, Japan and globally.
Our mission:
9 - 10 September 2019
Cycle from the British Embassy Tokyo to Mt Fuji (130km)
Climb and descend Mt Fuji (3,776m)
Cycle back to the British Embassy Tokyo (130km)
All within a 48hour window
Our causes:
- 5 years ago
David and James
5 years agoAll packed a ready to roll...except for this pesky typhoon which has decided to arrive in the middle of Tokyo right when we had hoped to set off. We’ve had to delay our start til the morning once it passes. Get to have one more good sleep though so maybe a blessing in disguise! Thank you once again for such huge support from everyone. We’ve gone beyond our target, but it would be brilliant to smash it even more! Wish us luck, here we go!! #mtfujichallenge #takingontyphoons #toconquerfuji
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- 6 years ago
David and James
6 years agoOnce again, thanks to everyone so far who has helped us pass our original target! Let's see how much we can smash it over this final week!
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- 6 years ago
David and James
6 years agoHi all, Just another update to say a massive thank you to everyone who has helped us surpass our target a week before we take on the challenge! We are still keen to raise as much as possible, so please continue to donate! On the training - Dave and I have now completed at least one test of each of the cycling 'legs'. The test of the final leg can be seen below, and was far more challenging than we had thought! All that remains is to rest as much as possible now in preparation for Monday morning! Thanks for all the continued support! D+J
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David and James started crowdfunding
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Sep 11, 2019
An amazing challenge guys and a fantastic effort. Respect!Derek.
Campbell Davis
Sep 10, 2019
Better late than never!
Tom Luff
Sep 10, 2019
Congratulations! Thanks for supporting action on climate change!
Sep 10, 2019
Sep 9, 2019
Wishing you all the best throughout your challenge you great challengers ;).
Oli and Kana
Sep 8, 2019
Good luck David and James! Hope the weather clears up soon. Have fun and kiwotsuketene :)
Marie Therese (I know your mum James)
Sep 8, 2019
Good luck James and Dave . This is a very good cause .
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David and James
デイビッド・ムルホーランドとジェイムズ・カーターは駐日英国大使館スタッフです。私たちは地球温暖化を防ぎたいと思っています。 David Mulholland and James Carter love taking on challenges for worthy causes. Both are working at the British Embassy Tokyo to prepare for the Rugby World Cup 2019 and Olympics and Paralympics in 2020.