We did it!
Steve Penstone-smith raised £1,000 from 57 supporters
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Closed 05/11/2016
Iʼve raised £1,000 to help young carers in Hertfordshire..... children aged up to 18 years old who care for a family member or loved one for no pay whatsoever
- Hatfield, United Kingdom
- Funded on Saturday, 5th November 2016
Don't have time to donate right now?
young carers in Hertfordshire are an amazing charity who have really helped my 3 children.
they help kids who look after family members with disabilities by taking them out on day trips to remember, organising groups of young carers together to chat about life and make new friends, teach them life skills or just be there if a young carer needs them.
if I can raise money to help one child smile then my job is done....
if we together can make many kids smile then even better....
check out their website www.ycih.org and see what these amazing kids get up to
true super heroes
this year I "Mr Props" will be running a haunted castle at my home in hatfield making our local children smile and raising money for young carers too even world renowned chorographer Ryan Jenkins is getting involved helping to spread the word about young carers in herts and naming our dragon from the 80 names suggested from all our followers around the world
if you could spare a few pounds to bring a smile to a young carer then you will be my hero too and be "Mr Props Approved"
- 8 years ago
Steve Penstone-smith
8 years agoWOW WOW WOW a massive thank you everyone we have raised a total of £1823.12p for young carers in Hertfordshire
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- 9 years ago
Steve Penstone-smith
9 years agoyay we have our 1st donation of £10 on our just giving page
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- 9 years ago
Steve Penstone-smith
9 years agoAMAZING NEWS!!!! Ryan Jenkins the world renowned chorographer is helping me "Mr Props" raise money for a great cause.... "YOUNG CARERS IN HERTFORDSHIRE" www.ycih.org ....
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- 9 years ago
Steve Penstone-smith
9 years agoa massive thankyou to the team at pexhurst in welham green for the supplies to build our great castle with
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Steve Penstone-smith started crowdfunding
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Nov 5, 2016
Melody Chai
Nov 2, 2016
Nov 1, 2016
Amazing work Mr Props. Good luck
Helen MacLeod
Nov 1, 2016
Well Done Mr Props :-)
Julia Dudrenec
Nov 1, 2016
Well done Steve! Xx
Joanna Martin
Nov 1, 2016
Well done for all your hard work!
Michelle Ellis
Nov 1, 2016
Well done Steve, sorry we couldn't get to visit the amazing Halloween castle x
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