We did it!
Shane McQuillan raised £425 from 29 supporters
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Closed 02/08/2017
Iʼve raised £425 to help raise funds for Pennington CofE Primary School.
- Pennington, Cumbria, United Kingdom
- Funded on Wednesday, 2nd August 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
To raise funds for Pennington CofE Primary School and help support the children. All funds will go towards supporting the vital and necessary needs of the school, in light of current and recent government cuts to funding in education.
The government propose to cut £3billion per year of education funding to all primary and secondary schools in England by 2020. These cuts are criminal and will have a devastating effect not just on schools, the millions of children they educate but their futures too, their teachers and support staff and our future generations. We may not be able to stop the government's plan but you can help by spreading the word and supporting education - starting with the needs of children at Pennington.
Our school alone needs to find an extra £77,000, will have £400 less per child funding and need to lose 2 teachers as a result of the government's reduced budget. However, this is scarily small-scale compared with many schools around the country. Schools in Cumbria will have a total reduction of £27million and will lose 746 teachers - the largest cuts in a generation!
If you care about our children of today - our adults of tomorrow - our doctors, nurses, plumbers, builders, teachers, vets, chefs, lawyers and carers of the future then please support this cause, if not financially then by spreading an important message!
Anything you can spare, little or large, will make a BIG difference to the children and community of Pennington. Thank you in advance from myself and on behalf of us all at Pennington CofE Primary School.
Updates appear here
- 8 years ago
Shane McQuillan
8 years agoThank you to everybody for donating and supporting this cause! This total will help make a great contribution towards School.
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Shane McQuillan started crowdfunding
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Jul 10, 2017
Kirsty Bell
Jul 9, 2017
Well done!
Sarah Dearden
Jul 9, 2017
Good luck today!
Pauline Simmons
Jul 9, 2017
Hope all goes really well for you today.
Sarah Mills
Jul 8, 2017
Good luck for tomorrow 🏃
Lis Fenwick
Jul 8, 2017
Cash Donation - Thank you Lis Fenwick for your donation in support of Pennington.
Jasmine Power
Jul 7, 2017
Good lad and good luck Mr Mcquillan
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