Iʼve raised £413 to expand and finish a mosque in Mpanda, Tanzania.
- Mpanda, Tanzania
- Funded on Wednesday, 1st February 2017
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My dad asked if I could help raise some money to expand and finish this mosque and I want to invite you for this opportunity to spend towards it, for the sake of Allah (Subhan-Allaah wa ta’aala), with the intention of Sadaqah Jariyah.
A famous hadith is when the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him likewise in Paradise.” [Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim]
Donate whatever little or much you can, may Allah reward you for anything you give with the intention of Sadaqah Jariyah, to provide this community with a place of worship. Please forward this to anyone you want to share this opportunity with. Jazak Allah Khairun.
8 years ago
Limi RB
8 years agoToday I stepped into the mosque I've been trying to raise funds for, it had been raining and the floor felt cold against my bare feet, I looked up at the gaps that let through rain and sunshine. My dad and I spoke to the Sheikh and the supervisors of the mosque and decided that we shall start by renewing the roof and plastering the walls of the mosque, if funds allow we will fix up the floors and built a pump outside as well. If God allows we will start tomorrow! 😁
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Jan 15, 2017
Jan 15, 2017
Great work Hun, keep it up xx
Jan 15, 2017
Ma'sha Allah, beautiful work your doing and may you be rewarded for this abundantly.
Jan 14, 2017
Jan 14, 2017
Jan 13, 2017
Jan 13, 2017
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