We did it!
Morven Davies raised £620 from 18 supporters
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Closed 25/03/2020
Iʼve raised £620 to go to Uganda
- Funded on Wednesday, 25th March 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
I am going to Kasangeti, Uganda to work alongside staff at Kasangeti Health Centre and the Centre for Youth Driven Development Initiative (CFYDDI) as part of my clinical placement at the University of Edinburgh. Kasangeti Health Centre is a district referral hospital which provides both inpatient and outpatient facilities free of charge to the local community. CFYDDI is a community based charity aiming to empower young people to take charge of their own affairs through various projects such as a community library, an early childhood development programme and a youth led sexual education programme. I am raising funds for both CFYDDI/the health centre and the cost of travel to Uganda in order to make all this possible. I am really excited about this opportunity as I believe it could be a life changing experience.
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Morven Davies started crowdfunding
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Peter Davies
Mar 4, 2020
Da Iawn! Pob lwc. Taith Dda!
John & Louise Morris
Mar 1, 2020
Go Morven, wishing you all the best in your adventure!
Feb 9, 2020
Good for you Morven, hope you get all you want to take with you.Looking forward to the quiznight fundraiser!Bless youHilde
Jan 26, 2020
Jan 26, 2020
Wishing you all the best from ian at St Margarets
Jan 13, 2020
Jan 8, 2020
Well done Morven. Good for you !
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