Jonathon Hill is crowdfunding
Iʼm raising £5,500 to provide funds for legal costs, to help fight the current injustices suffering Simon, Gill, Jasmine and others at Monkton Wyld Court
- Monkton Wyld Court
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* Coup d’État at Monkton Wyld Court
* Operators of “Britain’s oldest microdairy” ordered to leave the premises.
* The Land Magazine made Homeless.
* The head gardener at Monkton Wyld Court ordered to leave, “with immediate effect”.
On 9 May 2023, six trustees of Monkton Wyld Court, an educational charity managed by a long-standing intentional community, ordered two long standing members of the community to leave - they have been living and working at MWC since 2010, when they joined the community to revive the flagging micro-dairy and neglected farmland. Five of the six trustees who ordered their departure have been trustees of the charity for just four months. The trustees also coerced xxx xxx MBE, into resigning from the board of trustees. She had been a trustee for 15 years, and had spoken up in favour of the two long standing members. Two other trustees have recently resigned.
Our grower, has been told to leave “with immediate effect” for no given reason. Five other people living and working at MWC are expected to leave in protest, and the community and charity are in meltdown. As a result the microdairy, which dates back to 1941 and is probably the oldest established dairy of its size in the UK will have to shut down. The Land magazine, a highly respected journal published from MWC, will have to suspend publication until it can locate new offices.
As of 1 March 2024, seven resident workers, out of no more than eleven, at Monkton Wyld Court community have been ordered to leave by trustees appointed in January 2023; three long term volunteers aspiring to become members have resigned, disillusioned; and three trustees have resigned. Only one member of the community is still working, along with occasional “blackleg” staff brought in by the trustees.
Simon is due in court in Weymouth on 27th March and Jon Hill is due in Yeovil County Court on 18th April.
We require funds to help with our fight for justice. Money raised will be used to pay the rising legal costs of our lawyers - already running into the £thousands. Any help you can provide is so much appreciated - thank you in advance.
Please visit the website for all of the information -
Thank you for taking the time reading this.
(I have the full permission, of everyone personally named above, to use their names on this fundraiser.).

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1 year ago
Jonathon Hill
1 year agoA massive thank you to all who have been so generous by donating to our cause. Legal costs aren't cheap, so your support is critical. The legal wheels are now starting up and getting in motion and we have court dates this month and in April. We're going to remain strong and to keep on fighting the good fight. Updates will appear on our website as soon as they happen. Here's to a bright future!
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Jonathon Hill started crowdfunding
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Kathryn Hayman
Jan 4, 2025
I wish you all the very best. This is an outrage as so many things are these days it seems, both globally and locally. Let's hope for once to see justice done.Hope to visit the Devon farm.
Dec 9, 2024
Resistance is fertile!
Dec 6, 2024
Sep 10, 2024
Good luck to you all.
Sep 9, 2024
Best of luck! You've done so much for so many people across the years. This is criminal!
Sep 8, 2024
Three Acres And A Cow
Aug 14, 2024

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