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AGAPEUK-SVG raised £2,662 from 95 supporters


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Closed 21/08/2021

raised of £20,000 target by 95 supporters

    Iʼve raised £2,662 to partner with and support those working with the vulnerable and displaced following the volcanic eruption. £12,000 already donated !!!

    St Vincent & the Grenadines
    Funded on Saturday, 21st August 2021

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    Thank you to the church community and the 100's of people who added to their weekly shopping list the extra: tin of beans, packet of flour, or bar of soap, etc. Your generosity is truly appreciated and has enabled us to ship 13 barrels and 12 boxes to the island of St Vincent and the Grenadines.

    In the midst of the unfolding disaster, you've donated over £12,000 which will go to support the volcano emergency relief effort and the great work the charity has been involved with since 2007.

    Finally, AGAPEUK-SVG Committee would like to thank all those involved in organizing the concert; the participants who took out of their time to attend, perform and make the concerts a resounding success.

    The island of St Vincent & the Grenadines has witnessed and experienced the power of nature following the recent volcanic eruption of La Soufriere. Since the eruption, the island has been blanketed in a layer of ash forcing over 16,000 people to evacuate their homes. The island has been described as a battle zone, (the red zone - North where people were evacuated & South of the island green zone – safe area) and more damage and destruction was likely. The volcano last erupted on May 6th, 1902, and 1,608 people lost their lives, so far SVG has done well in that nobody got injured or died.

    The most important and biggest challenge affecting the whole island is ‘water supplies’, as volcanic ash contaminates supplies across the island the lack and the distribution of water is a major problem.

    The First successful measure of sulphur dioxide (SO2) on 15th April suggests fresh magma is being degassed indicating that the eruption is continuing although the explosive activity has ceased. There have been power cuts across the island following the inevitable fall out of an eruption of lighting, thunder, and rumblings.

    We have all seen the news stories of the unfolding natural disaster, many have been displaced from the Northside of the island and housed in 100’s of shelters across the island. We are aware from our partners on the ground the conditions are cramped but some aid is getting through. Coupled with the global pandemic of Covid -19, the islanders face an uncertain future.

    AGAPEUK-SVG alongside its partner Faith Word Ministries has been working together for more than 10 years with the most recent initiative of the building project. Following the aftermath, AGAPEUK-SVG will be redirecting resources to support the victims.

    This appeal comes on behalf of the charity AGAPEUK-SVG our partners and the people on the ground working in the shelters who are better placed to identify immediate needs. Please visit our website for full details of how you can support the ongoing humanitarian assistance and disaster response.

    Please note contributions can be dropped off at Shiloh Worship Centre, 61-69 Bensham Grove, CR7 8DD between the hours of 10.00 am-4.00 pm Tuesday to Friday and on Saturday 10.00 am-4.00 pm.

    Monetary contributions to be sent to the following bank account:

    Name: AGAPE UK-SVG

    Sort: 30-90-89

    Ac No: 57554760

    Ref: Your Name / Organisation

    If you require further information, please visit our website, or contact 07946122045

    Thank you for your continued support.

    To facilitate the current unfolding disaster the fundraising effort will focus on the aftermath of the volcano. The work for the building project will continue.

    Born out of this need is the vision and mission of Faith Word Ministries. The mission is to develop and build 2 not for profit community-building projects in conjunction with the wider/overseas partners, the first of its kind on the island Faith Word Ministries and its overseas partners will build a 120 room elderly residence to house the most vulnerable citizens in this society. .

    (a) An 120 room residential building complex for the elderly

    (b) A youth camp housing up to 200 young adults

    The first phase of the project began in early 2018 following the purchase of the land, the next and current phase is the fundraising activities/initiatives on the island of SVG and in collaboration with the UK, US, and other APAC countries. The project's aim and objectives are to deliver 2 buildings that will accommodate the 2 groups identified by the end of 2021.

    Please take some time to watch our Youtube channel "AgapeUK-SVG" which demonstrates the progression of the project

    AgapeUK-SVG is the charity supporting this initiative, we believe and have faith that the shift in our giving has no boundaries or walls and the vision for this great building project will extend beyond the UK borders as support continues to grow.

    AGAPEUK-SVG is graciously asking for your support for this great work to continue - Thank you for your donation.



    • AGAPEUK-SVG4 years ago


      4 years ago
      Update from the Page owner

      Following the gospel concert on Friday 16th April, the charity has raised more than £7,000 in donations.

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • AGAPEUK-SVG4 years ago


      4 years ago

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    • AGAPEUK-SVG4 years ago


      4 years ago

      Update from the Page owner

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    6 years ago

    AGAPEUK-SVG started crowdfunding

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    Page last updated on: 5/11/2021 06.55



    • C Matthews

      C Matthews

      May 11, 2021

      Keep up the good work Monica


    • Anonymous


      May 10, 2021

    • JC


      May 10, 2021


    • Julian Sharpe

      Julian Sharpe

      May 10, 2021

    • Dawn John

      Dawn John

      May 3, 2021

      God bless you all for your support towards st Vincent! This donation is on behalf of the Deptford church brethren!


    • Dawn John

      Dawn John

      May 1, 2021

      God bless you all for your time and hard work towards the ST Vincent volcano disaster!This donation is on behalf of my church sister!Many thanks!🙏🏾


    • Dawn John

      Dawn John

      Apr 29, 2021

      God bless you for the great work you're all doing!This donation is on behalf of my church sister sharon!


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    St Vincent & the Grenadines

    The Trustees, active volunteers, and supporters of the community work on the island of SVG, supporting "Love Fest", an annual event. The practical support has been extended to support the victims of the volcanic eruption.

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