We did it!
Mitchell Hulme raised £11,431.18 from 440 supporters
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Closed 20/09/2022
Iʼve raised £11,431 to The playground that has been specially designed for kids with disabilities looks amazing..
- Funded on Tuesday, 20th September 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
Hi everyone I am Mitch Hulme... I heard that Horton lodge were looking to raise money for a new playground so as my daughter goes to the school I thought I would give them a call and see if I could come and have a look because in my head I thought it might just be a case of cleaning the equipment to make it look new again...
This isn't the case there are signs on every bit of equipment saying caution do not use..
This broke my heart...
Please please help raise the £150000 for the new playground so these amazing kids can play and enjoy themselves and be happy.
Mitch Hulme on the 20th June 2022 will be running from lands End to John o Groat's ....
That's 874miles - 33marathons back to back.... And my goal is to raise ALL the money for the playground.
Updates appear here
Mitchell Hulme started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Annette White
Sep 19, 2022
Good luck for the reverse run! This time it will be downhill. x
Aaron Bell
Sep 15, 2022
Sep 8, 2022
Best of luck.
Sophie Peppitt
Sep 1, 2022
Amazing cause - keep going x
Jordan Powell
Aug 27, 2022
sauna guy!
Lucy J
Aug 25, 2022
Amazing work Mitch for a great cause
Intium Construction Ltd
Aug 25, 2022
Great work Mitch, rooting for you all way!
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