We did it!
Emma Jones raised £2,000 from 2 supporters
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Closed 16/01/2019
Iʼve raised £2,000 to provide resources that will extend reach and enable growth in our 'Mindfulness in Kenyan Prisons' project....
- Exeter, UK
- Funded on Wednesday, 16th January 2019
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The mindfulness Project in Kenyan prisons is saving lives and we need your help!
A donation from you, whether little or large will help enable it to continue... to grow... to reach all prisons in Kenya, as well as prisons in the UK!
We have recently raised a wonderful £2235 using a crowdfunding fundraiser that will go a huge way to helping us achieve phase one of our larger plan! - To increase resources, to enter all prisons in Kenya and across to the UK, to pool resources and share proven strategies, provide outreach programmes to prevent crime in the communities and to create a reintegration programme specifically to enable inmates, their families and communities to receive the Inmate - Mindful Leader positively back into society.... More information can be found on our website Mindfulness in Kenyan Prisons Since finishing our crowdfunding fundraiser at the end of August this year, the support has been amazing and we have since been asked to have another open so here it is! Your money would be spent on:
RESOURCES: Mindfulness Handbooks - Currently resources are at a bare minimum: some of our prisons have just 1 or a few Mindfulness Handbooks for the Mindful Leaders (inmates and Welfare Officers) to teach others. This makes it very challenging to include a large number of learners and is a barrier that prevents them from dedicating time and creativity to make the project accessible to even more people. Short supply of handbooks was a problem in all the prisons I visited during April 2018.
There are between 50,000 and 60,000 inmates in Kenyan Prisons at any time, our vision for this project is to reach ALL INMATES. Currently, we estimate there is just 1 handbook for every 10 inmates who have begun Mindfulness training - and ideally each Mindful learner can use a handbook as a workbook with space for self-reflection and personal growth, something they can own, refer to, and use to deepen their understanding of Mindfulness.
As well as handbooks, Mindful Leaders and trainees need PAPER AND PENS (at the very least) to demonstrate, express and illustrate Mindfulness, make notes and reflect.
PLEASE CAN YOU HELP? A small amount of money will go a long way:
57p = 80 Kenyan shillings - buys a note book and pen, this could provide a Mindful Trainee the space to reflect, journal and be creative with their mindful living.
57p = 80 Kenyan shillings - makes a CD of the Mindfulness Songs created at Naivasha Maximum Security Prison. The CDs help to fund the project by contributing to its contination in the prisons and hopefully growing to help more inmates .. The tracks include Mindful Leaders and Mindful Generation
The prisons involved already have created songs, dramas, poems, artworks. We (including you!!) can help the project to record these creations, share them between the prisons and spread the teachings across the world!

Are you feeling inspired ? We love what is happening and the passion behind this project, from the Mindful leaders, staff, and communities that believe in it. We would love you to join us – be part of this global team! Whether you support us financially, with a skill or sharing this pitch! It will all make a big difference!
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Emma Jones started crowdfunding
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Dec 4, 2018
As discussed - all the best
Sep 27, 2018
For the Kenyan Prisons Project
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