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Will Stacey raised £500 from 24 supporters
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Closed 14/07/2017
Iʼve raised £500 to Send the Millfield Girls' Primary School Football Team to the Donosti Cup competition in Spain
- Funded on Friday, 14th July 2017
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My name is Will Stacey and I am a primary school teacher in one of the smallest schools in Walsall. 4 years ago I started training an enthusiastic team of Year 1/2 girls who wanted to play football but had little to no understanding of how to play. These 5 year old girls had very few opportunities or access to professional training with only one even playing football outside of school. Despite the barriers to their learning, these girls trained and worked and within 2 years had become the best Year 3/4 team within Walsall regularly beating larger schools with professionally trained players. This was achieved through additional training at lunchtimes, extra fitness sessions and early morning swimming at 7.30am before school. All of this was instigated by the girls themselves. Last year they narrowly finished as league runners up on a penalty shoot out despite being 2 years younger than the opposition. This year, they are the youngest and smallest team in the league and yet are sitting atop Division 1 with a 100% record and conceding only 3 goals. All of this has been achieved through hard work alone. This year, we have been given the chance to participate in the Donosti Cup - The biggest footballing competition in Spain, where they will get the opportunity to compete against the best teams from across the world. For a small primary school in an economically and socially deprived area of Walsall, this opportunity could literally change the lives of 8 girls who are a living embodiment of the ideals that if you want something in life you have to work for it. Many of these girls have never been outside of the town where they were born but this opportunity could not only widen their horizons but literally change their lives. The trip in total with flights and accommodation will cost £6,000 but when we discussed this funding, they said that they only wanted to ask for donations up to half of the amount needed as they wanted to earn the rest themselves.
- 8 years ago
Will Stacey
8 years agoMillfield win the Girls' Cup 2017!!!!! As this is a Women's European Finals year, all the qualifying schools in the Girls' Cup had to represent a competing country - guess who we went as?
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- 8 years ago
Will Stacey
8 years agoIn football news, it has been questioned whether a small primary school like Millfield would be able to compete on the international stage. Well, despite being the smallest school in the league, Millfield have just been crowned both Walsall League Division 1 Champions and also Girls' Cup 2017 Winners - pulling off a remarkable double after an unbeaten season. Not bad for an underdog team! Next step - Spain and the rest of the World! Please keep sharing and donating to get us there - We are over 2/3 of the way there but still need your help.
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- 8 years ago
Will Stacey
8 years agoHi guys, Sorry I haven't posted an update for a while. We have been really busy with football and fundraising. Recently, we did a bag pack at Tesco in Brownhills and raised a massive £560. A big thank you to all that helped us and to all that donated! We have also had a number of donations and have been fundraising in different ways. We are now only £2,000 short of our target. Thank you everybody and please keep sharing. Photos to follow.
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Petra Wolf
Jul 6, 2017
Good luck and enjoy :)
Paul Carr Estate Agents
Mar 10, 2017
Girls, your positive attitude deserves success. Best wishes
Feb 14, 2017
Go girls!
Michael Kan
Feb 14, 2017
Good luck girls.
Kate Isabelle
Feb 13, 2017
Good luck! Hope you reach your target!
James Cowie
Jan 31, 2017
Hope we get there. Good luck to the team.
Laura Pountney
Jan 30, 2017
Amazing opportunity for the girls and great inspiration for the year 2 teams.
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