We did it!
Michelle Hall raised £440 from 18 supporters
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Closed 31/12/2022
Iʼve raised £440 to St John’s Church Mosley Common
- Mosley Common
- Funded on Saturday, 31st December 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
Update 11/10/21
We are very grateful for all donations so far. Still very far from where we want to be so if you could share as much as possible with your friends we would be very appreciative.
Recently St John’s Church Mosley Common has been the subject of vandalism with many stained glass windows being broken repeatedly.
The church has been in my family for many generations and I know how much they struggle financially to keep this beautiful building going.
They need local support if it is to remain open and kept in a decent This church doesn’t only open on Sunday mornings. It is a great old building which we need for weddings, funerals and christenings.
They also run baby groups and other local groups so if we want to keep it I hope we can all help this matter.
Even local trades people that can help in maintaining the building would be welcomed.
It would be great if we could all help ♥️
Many thanks
- 3 years ago
Michelle Hall
3 years agoThank you all for the generous donations. The church has managed now to cover the windows with plastic covers. This just means no more can’t be broken for now. We are still looking to raise more funds as the church still needs lots of money spending on it. We would be very grateful if you could help.
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Michelle Hall started crowdfunding
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Asnath Muka
Dec 14, 2021
Sybil and Melvyn Hall
Oct 15, 2021
Oct 15, 2021
God's blessing be with you all.
Oct 9, 2021
Oct 8, 2021
Wendy Rowan
Oct 6, 2021
Good luck, not much but every little helps!!
Cllr Barry Taylor
Oct 5, 2021
Supporting St John’s Church
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