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Clare Gamble raised £2,025 from 456 supporters
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Closed 11/10/2023
Iʼve raised £2,025 to Help keep the toilets at Monsal Head in the Peak District open
- Funded on Wednesday, 11th October 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
Monsal Head is the entrance point to Monsal Dale and the popular Monsal Trail, one of the most popular attractions in the Peak District. It is extremely popular with walkers, cyclists and families that just want to sit by the water and enjoy picnic. It is one the places in the Peak District people with disabilities can enjoy beautiful vistas and view the iconic viaduct.
The toilets at Monsal Head were closed in May 2018 after a review by the local council. Two local councillors have worked with the District and local Parish Councils to re-open them. We are currently leasing the toilets, and will eventually own them with a Community Asset Transfer
Monsal Head Community Toilets CIC is the name of the organisation that has taken them over. We are a not for profit organisation. All money raised goes into running the toilets. We are not charging to use the toilets, relying on people giving voluntarily including a donation box at the toilets.
A donation, however small, will keep these toilets open for everyone to enjoy. It is very important to us to try and keep them open with voluntary donations to keep them accessible for all, and that personal income is not a barrier to getting out and enjoying the countryside.
Thank you for taking the time to look at this page,
Mark Wakemen Clare Gamble
07970 326971 01298 871007
Email : monsalheadcommunitytoilets@gmail.com
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Clare Gamble started crowdfunding
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Aileen Jocsing
Oct 8, 2023
Oct 7, 2023
Oct 6, 2023
Chris and Karen
Oct 6, 2023
Thank you for your hard work!
Edward Rigby
Oct 4, 2023
Oct 4, 2023
Oct 4, 2023
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