We did it!
Neve Stewart raised £302 from 23 supporters
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Closed 08/07/2020
Iʼve raised £302 to Mental Health Distraction Boxes
- Funded on Wednesday, 8th July 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
Currently over 450 million people worldwide are suffering from a mental health disorder or neurological condition.
These boxes will provide people with a distraction instead of using negative coping strategies. They can also be used as sensory boxes and dementia friendly boxes.
I personally have found the use of these very helpful and I am really excited to be making these for other people! Any boxes made so far have been with my own money but I am looking to help more people!
Any donation, no matter how small or big is appreciated!
All boxes made will go to mental health hospitals, care homes, people suffering with mental health issues/neurological issues and schools.
- 5 years ago
Neve Stewart
5 years agoAbsolutely amazing!! Thank you so much to everyone who has donated <3
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- 5 years ago
Neve Stewart
5 years agoA huge thank you to everyone who has donated so far! I am overwhelmed and so so grateful and can't wait to make these boxes! Thank you so much.
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Neve Stewart started crowdfunding
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Andrea Thornton
Mar 1, 2020
Hope your able to help many people with this and what you are doing is so inspiring. Keep up the good work.
Katherine Hyndman
Oct 31, 2019
Such a fantastic idea Neve, well done you x
Oct 24, 2019
Such a brilliant cause. I’m so proud of you Neve x
Karen Reid
Oct 19, 2019
Well done Neve, I know of a few young people that will benefit from your amazing boxes! I’ll get in touch.😊 Such a thoughtful thing to do! ♥️
Oct 12, 2019
Oct 10, 2019
Well done Neve. What a brilliant idea x
Oct 10, 2019
Well done Neve. You should be super proud xx
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