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@Met_Mobile raised £1,843 from 66 supporters
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Closed 01/09/2018
Iʼve raised £1,843 to support the Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Hardship Fund
- Cardiff, UK
- Funded on Saturday, 1st September 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
A team of staff from Cardiff Metropolitan University are taking on the famous Monte Carlo or Bust banger rally. We have purchased a car (for under £500) and will take part in the three day cross Europe challenge ending in Monte Carlo on 22 Jul 18.
We are looking to raise donations for our Student Hardship Fund which helps our students in times of financial need. It enables them to continue with their studies, be successful in them and have a better future. We hope you can spare a few pounds to meet our target.
Follow us on twitter @Met_Mobile. We will be posting updates as the car starts to look the part!!!
- 7 years ago
7 years agoWe made it back this morning after a mammoth 23 hour drive from Nice. Enormous thanks to those who donated. A big thank you for all the messages of support from our Vice Chancellor, students and staff alike Sincere thanks too to those who helped us over evenings and weekends to prepare for this trip. It has been hard work. Long days driving over challenging terrain in car almost as old as a Fresher (with no air con and limited to 3000rpm). Danny the mechanic has been a star. All done for our student family. That’s what counts.
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- 7 years ago
7 years agoDay two is complete. We made it from Dijon, into Switzerland and over the St Bernard’s Pass (nervously) and safely arrived in Turin this evening. Tomorrow is the final leg from Turin to Monte Carlo. Thanks for all the amazing support through donations and on twitter. We Are Cardiff Met
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- 7 years ago
7 years agoWell.... day one is done. The big cat carried us smoothly and we are now in Dijon. The suits were warm to say the least. We all have left a bit of ourselves in them and the they have done likewise to us. Tomorrow we are in fancy dress of various sorts and we will hopefully cross the Alps. Cheers Danny, our Director of Racing Perfomance. You have pulled a blinder.
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@Met_Mobile started crowdfunding
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John Hawkey
Aug 30, 2018
Well done James and team, congratulations to you all.
Aug 16, 2018
Good Effort
Aug 14, 2018
Robert Taffurelli
Aug 14, 2018
Sterling work!
Richard Clement
Aug 6, 2018
Well done guys. Time to sell the car on as; "never raced or rallied"!
Rebecca Bloyce
Aug 6, 2018
Well done everyone. Fantastic challenge
Helen Thomas
Aug 5, 2018
Thanks for the awesome social media posts :)
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