We did it!
Verbal Remedy raised £530 from 31 supporters
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Closed 08/05/2017
Iʼve raised £530 to provide menstrual cups for Newcastle schoolchildren
- Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
- Funded on Monday, 8th May 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
To celebrate Menstrual Hygiene Day on May 28th 2017, we're piloting a new and improved menstruation workshop for a class of local schoolchildren. The workshop has two aims:
1. Educate students on their own menstrual health
2. Raise awareness of the menstruation issues facing marginalised groups e.g. homeless people
The class will be provided with their own menstrual cups or reusable cloth sanitary pads to take home, and spend some time making up packs of disposable items which we will take to a local charity. This is where you can help!
For £5, you can pay for the transport and a morning coffee for a Verbal Remedy volunteer attending the workshop.
For £10, you can provide a readymade pack of towels, tampons, underwear and wet wipes for three women (approx.)
For £20, you can pay for a local schoolchild to receive a menstrual cup (and a lesson on how to use it) at no cost to them or their family.
These are just a guide - every donation helps, no matter how small.
The more we raise, the more we can provide - so please help if you can, and share our campaign!
For more information about Verbal Remedy, please visit www.verbalremedy.co.uk
Updates appear here
- 8 years ago
Verbal Remedy
8 years agoThank you so much for all your support - we are really excited to be delivering on our campaign!
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Jenny Black
Apr 29, 2017
Keep on making a difference.
Summer Jasmin Oxlade
Apr 29, 2017
Chris Giles
Apr 29, 2017
No name
Apr 29, 2017
Keep going; you're making a difference.
Errol Kerr
Apr 29, 2017
Not far to go now!
Tim Henton
Apr 28, 2017
Hells to the yes. Stuff like this is important!
Apr 28, 2017
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Verbal Remedy
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Verbal Remedy is a groundbreaking blog and multimedia project tackling taboo topics head on.