We did it!
matilda DAVIES raised £110 from 4 supporters
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Closed 22/04/2017
Iʼve raised £110 to Help fund an apple tree and plaque to remember those with mental health issues, and those lost to suicide.
- Dundee, United Kingdom
- Funded on Saturday, 22nd April 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
In the U.K. every 1 in 4 people are affected by a mental health issue.
this may be you or someone you know. you might speak about it openly, be getting some help or be keeping it to yourself.
Another big factor is how many of these people are lost to suicide every year.
This is why I am doing this little fundraiser. I'd like to celebrate life, those that we've lost and remembering that a lot of people do keep struggling.
The idea is to plant a little apple tree in the Coupar Angus community woodland that over looks the River Ericht. This tree has been chosen because it will blossom each year and produce fruit that everyone will be welcome to, it is also a reminder that every thing has its ups and downs.
There will also be a plaque to make sure people know IT'S OKAY NOT TO BE OKAY.
please donate and everything is a great help. Also any extra money made will be forwarded to the charity SamH
Updates appear here
- 8 years ago
matilda DAVIES
8 years agoThankyou to everyone that helped me raise some money for a cause close to my heart! I have some cash donations also so the total is £130!!! Much love guys, And remember It's Okay to Not be Okay
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matilda DAVIES started crowdfunding
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Melinda Tay Von Sydow
Apr 11, 2017
Mar 24, 2017
From Grannie Sam and Pa Ralph
Saranne Davies
Mar 24, 2017
In memory of Sophie and all friends lost to suicide.
j davies
Mar 24, 2017
An excellent thought and a beautiful place for contemplation.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
matilda DAVIES
Dundee, United Kingdom
In memory of Sophie Reilly and all the other loved ones people have lost