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mary-ann smith raised £130 from 8 supporters
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Closed 27/06/2018
Iʼve raised £130 to help my disabled dad and his wife regain their livelihood.
- Funded on Wednesday, 27th June 2018
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I'm writing this now absolutely heart broken for my poor dad and his wife.
today 27/07/2017 my dad's home got burgled, the thieves took absolutely everything.
I know this happens to alot of us it's happened to me too but the reason I'm asking for your help is because my dad is a disabled man unable to work, he hardly ever even leaves his home, but instead of sitting around bored and feeling sorry for himself he made himself a little eBay business buying and selling. starting small with little bits of spare money he had, building it up with everything he sold to a point he could buy more, joblots etc
my dad was proud of what he had achieved always showing his kids and grandchildren what hed bought to sell on, his home was full of boxes, all the things he had bought to sell on keeping his little business turning over.
He was doing well and was even thinking he might b able to go on a cruise with his new wife he married back in September because they never had a honey moon they couldnt afford it.
But all his hard work all his plans for the future where snatched away from him today at 2pm this afternoon my dad and his wife left their home to go to a auction which is a rareity.
They came home to a empty flat!
all his achievements gone, everything hed worked so hard for from scratch with hardly two pennies to rub together GONE. worst thing is my dad cancelled his home insurance for some reason I don't know I don't want to keep asking questions, because my dad is not only disabled but is a recovering alcoholic and also suffers with severe depression, his little business kept him going, kept his mind occupied I was so so proud of him n now I'm just worried what this will do to him. if I had the money id give him it to start again, try buy some stock back or pay for his honey moon but i dont so that is why im asking for your help to please help me help my dad, i would never normally do anything like this but if it helps my dad and his wife it's worth a try. Thankyou xx
- 7 years ago
mary-ann smith
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
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Claire Burrowes
Mar 6, 2018
Vicky Milner
Feb 28, 2018
With love and I hope he's back on his feet soon hun x
gemma brankin
Feb 28, 2018
Hope he gets back on his feet ❤
Feb 27, 2018
Don't let the bastards grind you down!
Feb 27, 2018
With love 💕
Jennifer Hawkes
Feb 27, 2018
Feb 27, 2018
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