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marrie quinn raised £8,012.5 from 296 supporters
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Closed 08/05/2017
Iʼve raised £8,012 to Funeral arrangements a 7 year old boy who was tragically killed.
- Elgin, United Kingdom
- Funded on Monday, 8th May 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
My best friend since school has lost her 7 year old son who was tragically killed, 6 days after celebrating his 7th birthday. He was a very clever boy exceeding well in school. This has been very tragic. He leaves behind the best mother in the world & his two beautiful younger sisters aged 3 & 1, Family and Friends. I feel this is absolutely the most terrible thing to have happened. I cringe having to create this page and ask for such support but it is genuinely required for such a loving mother who didn't deserve to be holding a funeral for such a young boy.
Please help us by donationing something small and sharing this.
This absolutely should never happen to anyone!
Updates appear here
- 8 years ago
marrie quinn
8 years agoThank you kindly to everyone who has donated. The funds will go directly to pay for the funeral costs. Which has all been allocated and accounted for. All your support has been phenomenal and shows great community spirit.
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Mark Mair
Apr 22, 2017
Lorraine Westley
Apr 22, 2017
To a beautiful little boy, fly high with the Angels, sending love to marrie, Gavin, carol and Neil and whole family during this tragic time xx
Apr 21, 2017
Sorry for your tragic loss! Fly high little man, thinking of you all love Sarah and family
abby stannard
Apr 21, 2017
From kelly and friends ❤
John Haydn-thomas
Apr 20, 2017
Saddened learn of your loss, Kieran will be in my thoughts this coming Friday - forever young now
Apr 19, 2017
Apr 19, 2017
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