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Market Deeping Model Railway Club raised £107,947.88 from 5461 supporters
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Closed 19/06/2019
Iʼve raised £107,947 to Help Market Deeping Model Railway Club recover from vandalism
- Market Deeping, Peterborough, UK
- Funded on Wednesday, 19th June 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
Market Deeping Model Railway Club needs your help to rebuild. We have held our annual show in Stamford for the last 12 years. Months of planning goes into the show and years of work goes into building the layout. Imagine our horror and grief when we were greeted by this scene of absolute devastation on the morning of 18th May 2019.
Some of the models on display are irreplaceable and whilst money cannot possibly replace the hours of painstaking effort that has been so wantonly destroyed, we would ask that you make a donation, no matter how small, to help us get back on our feet. Please accept our thanks in advance.
We originally hoped for £500 to fund some of our rebuilding costs. The response has been out of this world and overwhelming. We are truly grateful for everything that has been donated both money and gifts. We weren't the only ones to suffer and our thoughts are turning to those others affected.
Brian Norris, Secretary, Market Deeping Model Railway Club
6 years ago
Market Deeping Model Railway Club
6 years agoThis page will close on the 19th of June. During that short period of time you, our supporters and fellow modelers have raised a staggering amount of money for which we shall ever be grateful. In addition, we have received numerous offers of goods and help in all sorts of ways. Thank you one and all We are currently formulating plans but above all we are determined that we will be promoting model railway modelling amongst the local youngsters and model rail clubs. Please look in at www.mdmrc.org or our facebook page for updates.
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6 years ago
Market Deeping Model Railway Club
6 years agoWe are so immensely grateful to everyone who has donated, Sir Rod Stewart has been especially generous. Thank you Sir Rod! All your donations will help us and others, so hurt and damaged by the destruction, to start to rebuild. It is very early days but we will now also be able to start thinking about what projects we might be able to undertake and how we can help others. Keep an eye on our website www.mdmrc.org and our Facebook page for further news.
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6 years ago
Market Deeping Model Railway Club
6 years agoWe originally hoped for £500 to fund some of our rebuilding costs. The response has been out of this world and overwhelming. We are truly grateful for everything that has been donated both money and gifts. We weren't the only ones to suffer and our thoughts are now turning to those others affected and how we might assist them too.
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Market Deeping Model Railway Club started crowdfunding
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Jun 19, 2019
Jun 18, 2019
Very sorry and angry to hear the news about the damage. Best wishes to you all. Stefan (former club member)
Jun 18, 2019
A small contribution from the members of the Clay Cross Model Railway Society
Richard Cosgrave
Jun 18, 2019
As a fellow railway modeller I can understand how heartbreaking this must be. Hope this helps in some way.
Jun 17, 2019
The Bennett Family
Jun 16, 2019
We are donating for Father's Day in memory of our dad/grandad, Arthur, who loved trains and model trains.
Steve Thompson
Jun 14, 2019
Having visited your Stamford show for many years and being a Railway modeller myself I was shocked and upset at your terrible news. So much good work destroyed by the mindless.
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Market Deeping Model Railway Club
Market Deeping, Peterborough, UK
The Club was founded in 1976 and meets regularly on Monday nights. Full details are on our website www.mdmrc.org We run not only our show in Stamford but also attend and exhibit many others around the country bringing pleasure to many model rail enthusiasts.