We did it!
Mark lewis raised £3,500.5 from 148 supporters
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Closed 14/12/2020
Iʼve raised £3,500 to To help fund equipment to enable Brandon to live more independently as he transitions to high school
- Hereford
- Funded on Monday, 14th December 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
Brandon faces many health and mobility challenges every day due to having the extremely rare combination of both Ataxia and ARSACS.
Brandon's condition will deteriorate and the family have noticed a dramatic change in his ability since the beginning of 2020.
He isn't as mobile, he's started to slur and most scarily he can choke not only on food etc but his own saliva, (all parts of the condition) and while that's ok this is where fundraising comes in to be able to live the life that he enjoys, to be as independent as possible.
Hearing Brandons story a team at Kingspan got together and felt they needed to do something to help raise money to enable the Brandons family to purchase equipment that will help Brandon become more independent and make life a little easier.
The Challenge - We wanted to make the challenge as difficult as possible and came up with an idea of a 52 mile walk (but this wasn't enough of a challenge) so we added that the walk had to over the Brecon beacons including Pen Y fan but again this wasn't hard enough. We finally settled on a 52 mile march over the Brecon Beacons carrying 25 kgs back packs in 24 hours.
The team who are taking on this challenge,
Mark Radon - Team leader at Kingspan and a keen fitness enthusiast.
Doug Glasgow - Team leader at Kingspan and ex Royal Marine.
Mark Lewis - Team leader at Kingspan and ex Light Infantryman
Support/safety team
Danny Rees - Danny is an engineer at Kingspan and also an Ex RAF engineer. Danny is the 4th man of the team who will be providing vital safety and logistical support every step of they way.
Kevin Mayo, Sean Buckley, Brad Scott and Paul Box will also be part of the team by manning some of the check points and walking some sections.
Thank you for reading this and thank you for any kind donations you make they really will make a difference in Brandons life.
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Mark lewis started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Oct 28, 2020
Paul Hendry
Oct 28, 2020
Fantastic effort guys.
Damian Z
Oct 25, 2020
All the best!
Bi Team
Oct 23, 2020
Damian Z left Kingspan and this was his leaving gift from us in IT Development. He wished to donate the offerings to a worthy charity, and we felt this was worthy. Hope this can go towards helping.
Mouse (logistics)
Oct 15, 2020
You guys should be so proud, well done!
Nik Vatahov
Oct 15, 2020
Jamie Duncan
Oct 15, 2020
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