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maria porretta raised £110 from 7 supporters
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Closed 31/08/2018
Iʼve raised £110 to Please support Northern hero Gertrude Bell gain the recognition she deserves 'The Desert Queen' celebrates her amazing life achievements.
- Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
- Funded on Friday, 31st August 2018
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Gertrude Bell when alive was spoken in the same breath as Churchill and Lawrence of Arabia; she is now largely brushed out of history. A truly remarkable women who achieved feats unheard of in her day. Hands On NE is presenting a new play about her life, Your support will help make sure this play is seen in many community based venues and raise awareness of a remarkable woman.
- 7 years ago
maria porretta
7 years agoStill a week of performances left. If you would like to support this live show, going out into the community, about an amazing North Eastern woman, drop a little into the pot, every pound helps, thank you
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maria porretta started crowdfunding
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Aug 25, 2018
I wish you all success in your quest. x
The Stokes
Aug 8, 2018
An important story that should be told. Such an inspirational and spellbinding play!
Maureen Ambrose
Aug 7, 2018
This play is deserving of getting to Edinburgh Festival
Denise Sparrowhawk
Jul 31, 2018
Saw it at Arts Centre Washington. Lovely venue and excellent, emotional performance.
Jul 9, 2018
Break legs!
Jul 9, 2018
Jul 8, 2018
can't get but wish it well, a great woman.
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