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Maria Dodds raised $1,780 from 23 supporters
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Closed 07/08/2017
Iʼve raised $1,780 to Help small holder farmers in Laikipia West who have been severely affected by the Land Invasions and in some cases have lost everything.
- Laikipia, Kenya
- Funded on Monday, 7th August 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
Over the past 12 months, life in parts of West Laikipia has become increasingly hazardous for many communities here, as heavily armed raiders have destroyed both businesses and homes already suffering the effects of a failed rainy season. Thugs and bandits have driven thousands of cattle, sheep and goats onto private property, have stolen livestock and stored crops, destroyed standing crops, homes, household possessions, and taken lives. Whilst the damage caused to larger ranches has been widely reported in the media, there are many more smallholders who have been impacted even more severely - in many cases losing everything with little hope of recouping their investments - and they have received little or indeed no help to date.
Nancy, who's husband Kariwo Lotome was killed by invaders on Kifuku where his cattle were grazing on an agreement is just one example.
A donation of $ 45 will buy them the means to replant 1 acre this season, or feed a family for just over a fortnight.
Any money raised beyond this will go towards restoring the section of the West Laikipia fence on Kifuku’s boundary that helps protect a community of smallholders against crop damage and attack by elephant and other wildlife - and without which makes replanting even more of a lottery.
- 8 years ago
Maria Dodds
8 years ago41 days to go for this fund raising - please help by donating if you can and by sharing with others who can donate to. We are gathering information on people who have been affected in the community around the ranches in Laikipia West and who will be able to benefit from your generosity. Please help if you can. Thank you all so much.
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- 8 years ago
Maria Dodds
8 years agoSkydiving ladies for Laikipia West smallholders JUNE 13, 2017 Another amazing initiative by some amazing friends to Laikipia – these four amazing women are looking for sponsorship for their tandem skydive jumps in July. There is an Mpesa number on their photo below: 0799889984 and if you have any more info you can call Liz Thoenes on 0733812315 If there are people from overseas who would like to donate Liz has asked if they could donate through the Just Giving pages already set up…….. Please DONATE If you can and SHARE
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- 8 years ago
Maria Dodds
8 years agoHuge thanks to everyone who has donated.....friends and strangers all so amazing. Every little bit will help. Mingi mingi thanks
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Maria Dodds started crowdfunding
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Barbara Jones
Jul 5, 2017
I hope the situation in Laikipia improves for all concerned.
Sarah Grimwood
Jun 24, 2017
Rosalind Aveling
May 20, 2017
L Nielsen
May 6, 2017
Charles Campbell Clause
May 2, 2017
Good luck! You have been an inspiration for so long - lets hope the rains and the election put a stop to all this misery. xx
Dominique Callimanopulos
Apr 29, 2017
Jake Grieves-Cook
Apr 21, 2017
Best wishes with your efforts to help the afflicted smallholder farmers.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Maria Dodds
Laikipia, Kenya
Our family have been farming in Laikipia for 4 generations, the ongoing land invasions has been a tragedy to our family and our farm Kifuku, and many other ranches in Laikipia. The situation has also affected the small holder farmers all around us and we want to help them.