We did it!
Richard Stoneham raised £1,430 from 32 supporters
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Closed 29/06/2021
Iʼve raised £1,430 to March Hare Challenge
- Empire School of Boxing
- Funded on Tuesday, 29th June 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
The team at the Empire School of Boxing plan to run as many miles as possible in March to prepare for the coming season and raise money for good causes. The 'March Hare' challenge will see boxers, coaches and parents associated with the club attempt to walk or run up to 5 miles per day. The team have decided to donate to two charities close to the club's heart. These charities are Box Well and the Amniotic Fluid Embolism Foundation.
Updates appear here
Richard Stoneham started crowdfunding
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Naomi Facey
Apr 7, 2021
This is JJs sponsor money for the challenge He ran a total of 60.02 mile . He absolutely smashed it so proud ... well done everyone 👏
Maria Hinds
Apr 5, 2021
Fantastic effort and fantastic team!! ESOB abú!! 😁
Davey Johnstone
Mar 31, 2021
Connor Robertson
Mar 31, 2021
Mar 31, 2021
Mar 24, 2021
Jamie Eastlake
Mar 23, 2021
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