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Manx Electric Railway Society raised £2,500 from 41 supporters
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Closed 29/01/2017
- Funded on Sunday, 29th January 2017
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Although we are called the Manx Electric Railway Society, our brief extends to doing all we can to fight for all of the unique tramways of the Isle of Man including the Douglas Bay Horse Tramway which has miraculously survived since 1876 and comprises a double track route along the whole length of Douglas Promenades, stables and depot.
Last year Douglas Council decided to abandon the horse tramway and a department of the Isle of Man Government took it over. Our Society fought a campaign to save the line and the Manx Parliament, Tynwald voted to do just that.
Following an election in which the vast majority of the elected members had put themselves forward as being in favour of the horse tramway, a move is now afoot which will destroy the line; it is proposed to cut back the route and to abandon the unique tram sheds and stables.
The new proposals will destroy the horse tramway utterly, leaving a rump fleet to venture forth from time to time from a steel box at one end of the promenade as a "novelty ride" along an over-engineered modern light railway, terminating in a new "Cultural Quarter" of doubtful taste.
This must be stopped and the way to stop it is through planning opposition (the whole of the promenade is a Conservation Area) and through the courts. The Manx Electric Railway Society is a registered charity in the Isle of Man and asks you to send us money for the following purposes;
1. To fight planning applications which threaten the character of the Douglas Bay Horse Tramway.
2. To engage in legal action in the Manx Courts (and beyond) to stop this horrible development.
3. (If we succeed) The balance of any funds raised through this site to be distributed for the restoration of the Douglas Bay Horse Tramway, its buildings and the trams that have run on it.
Only if we have the means to litigate this matter to the full will our opposition be taken seriously so please help us!
8 years ago
Manx Electric Railway Society
8 years agoHaving stopped the truncation of the tramway we are now to be faced with planning applications to demolish/change of use of the stables and demolish the Depot as well as to remove one of the running lines between Victoria Clock and the Broadway (despite the fact the Department have enough double track to run full length). We need funds to attack these applications please... this is the calm before the storm.... Thank you all.
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8 years ago
Manx Electric Railway Society
8 years agoYesterday the Island's parliament Tynwald voted narrowly in favour of an amendment to the proposal to rip up the tracks from Broadway to the Sea Terminal. The amendment proposes a single track from Broadway to the Sea Terminal, which will require planning permission which we will oppose. The threat goes on with a planning application presently "live" to erect a hideous stables and depot block on the Summerland site which we have opposed. This will be the excuse to destroy the Depot. Join us at https://mers.org.im/.
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8 years ago
Manx Electric Railway Society
8 years agoThe Island's Parliament, Tynwald will vote today on an amendment which, if it goes through will keep the full length of the line open but between the Victoria Clock and the Broadway it would be single track. The Isle of Man Government has bought enough track for the full length to be double and the track has been delivered to the Island (see below). We need your VOCAL support to stop this act of civic vandalism. And of course we thank those who have donated for your kind gifts to help us fight for this cause. Next step: Planning Battle!
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Alex Francis
Jan 16, 2017
Good luck with this worthy cause x
David Winter
Jan 16, 2017
If the Tramway serves no useful purpose it has no future. If this proposal is voted through I will not plan to visit the Island again. No Tramway means the Government does not welcome tourists!
Sam de Lange
Jan 16, 2017
It would be a shame to lose the horse tram, its stables or the depot!
Philip Walsh
Jan 16, 2017
It is a worthy cause to keep the 140 year old tramway on its full route from the sea terminal to Derby Castle and to retain the stables for future generations to enjoy.
Jan 16, 2017
Hannah Forster
Jan 16, 2017
Paul Francis
Jan 16, 2017
Good luck raising the funds. My family and I would hate to see Steve, Una and all the other horses disappear from the prom forever :-(
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