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Christopher Mallon raised £30 from 2 supporters
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Closed 27/12/2017
Iʼve raised £30 to Challenge the status of Teaching Assistants in our Universities as self-employed in the courts.
- Belfast, United Kingdom
- Funded on Wednesday, 27th December 2017
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University Teaching Associate fighting for basic working rights by taking leading Russel Group University to Court.
My name is Christopher Mallon. I was engaged by Queen's University, Belfast to teach undergraduates, mark coursework and mark examinations. I didn't get holiday pay. If I was sick, I didn't get paid. My colleagues were not entitled to maternity or holiday pay.
Despite being an integral part of the teaching community, we did not have the basic rights given to people classed as employees or workers. We were not even legally entitled to the National Minimum Wage.
I'm tired. I love my students. I love teaching. However, teaching staff deserve more. In an age where universities can charge hefty fees to their students, we deserve to be recognised for our efforts by having our basic employment rights recognised.
I am challenging our employment status at the University. For years, it has been standard at the School to engage PhD students and newly qualified barristers and solicitors as 'Independent Contractors'. This means that the University has access to a pool of quality talent to teach students but does not have to grant employment rights to them which would be granted if they had employee or worker status. They don't have to grant such rights. And they don't.
During 2016/2017, the Law School did not use a single permanent member of lecturing staff to teach the tutorials/seminars for the foundation of legal knowledge subjects. These classes were filled by 'contractors' or 'temps' or 'self-employed'.
In short, staff with limited to no employment rights have been a hugely important part of the Law School but do not receive the protections afforded to lecturers, administrative staff, or support staff.
If I am successful then the University will have to recognise these 'contractors' as 'workers' or 'employees'.
The rights we could win as a "Worker":
At least the National Minimum Wage , paid holidays (up to 5.6 weeks/year) , protection from unlawful discrimination , protection for whistle-blowers , fair treatment for part-time workers , a 48-hour working week cap, unless individuals voluntarily opt-out .
The rights we could win as an "Employee": include all of the above, plus statutory sick pay , statutory maternity, paternity, adoption and shared parenting leave , protection against unfair dismissal , statutory redundancy pay, time off in emergencies , right to request flexible working , minimum notice periods for dismissal , right to workplace pensions .
What are the expenses the crowdfunding aims to cover?
The case is scheduled for 10 days in February 2018. I am currently self-representing as I am not entitled to legal aid. I have serious health conditions including psoriatic arthritis and a form of Chron's disease. I need professional legal assistance to help with the workload.
This is a highly complex case in terms of the legal principles involved. I need an expert team to make sure I put the best argument forward at Tribunal.
I am hoping to fund £15,000 for this case to cover these costs and costs of any appeal. As this is an important question of public interest, there is a possibility it may be appealed to the Court of Appeal and possibly the Supreme Court.
Why does this all matter?
This case affects those who teach as self-employed contractors. This case affects students being taught by Teaching Assistants who are in insecure roles. This affects parents if your son or daughter is being taught by contractors . This case affects people on zero hours contracts, on informal contracts, who want to be valued more. It affects any person in the UK who believes the imbalance between employer and employee is unjust.
I am a firm believer that if you treat people with respect and show them they are important they will be more invested in their job. Achieving worker or employee status for Teaching Associates would do exactly that.
What next?
We are in the middle of the pre-trial stage. The sooner I meet my target the sooner I can start to engage quality, professional legal advisors. While this case is important for me personally, it will bring huge advantages to those engaged in informal work at our leading universities. With funding I can challenge the current law and improve conditions for the teaching staff that prop up our universities.
I need your help folks to effect change. Please donate if you can.
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Christopher Mallon started crowdfunding
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Nov 25, 2017
Causing trouble as usual I see.
Nov 25, 2017
Ooooh exciting.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Christopher Mallon
Belfast, United Kingdom
Teaching Associate in Law. Fighter for social and employment rights.