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South London Makerspace raised £990 from 8 supporters


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Closed 24/07/2021

raised of £5,000 target by 8 supporters

    Iʼve raised £990 to improve local community wellbeing through hands-on making and practical support during the long COVID months ahead

    Funded on Saturday, 24th July 2021

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    Let's improve wellbeing by getting hands-on!

    We're on a mission to improve wellbeing with COVID-safe creative making - with a special focus on partnering with local BAME community groups

    The pandemic is clearly here for the long-haul - as a voluntary community craft and technology workshop we believe that hands-on making can be key to our wellbeing during the long winter ahead of us, and we're determined to share this as widely as possible. We know we're in a privileged position and recognise that the barriers faced by many in our locality, so we want to offer opportunities and a welcoming space for those who aren't offered the same privileges, and provide access to activities and resources that could benefit them during these times

    While some people have found an ability to thrive during the pandemic, many have not, and mental health issues are likely to get worse going into winter - we sense a dire need to do what we can to help lift the spirits: many activities at our Makerspace fall into the 'Five Ways of Wellbeing'...for instance: that special glow you get from learning a new skill and holding an object you've just made.

    We want to focus on creating a more equitable community and raise people up to improve standards of living and common understanding

    We will organise a series of small workshops along a range of craft and technology themes, and engage with community groups to discover where creative interventions are going to be most effective, and continuing producing PPE as long as it's needed

    We aim to:

    - MakerDifference_2 local people....

    By running a series of free COVID-safe workshops (in our newly built outdoor workshop)

    - MakerDifference_2 local communities...

    We'll engage and co-create maker solutions to ongoing issues - could be by building an air purifier or developing 'no touch' door openers for a community centre...we know that we don't know quite what it will be, but we will bring our facilities, skills and enthusiams to compliment those of local makers

    - MakerDifference_2 local businesses...

    We know there'll be challenges ahead: during the first wave we were able to supply face shields and masks, and developed several local online directories to help businesses transition to e-commerce...we're ready to help again if we can!

    - Build on our previous campaign...

    We will also build upon our original #MakerDifference campaign - where we produced and distributed over three thousand of items of PPE as well as commissioning mask designs and developing our own DIY air purifier - and will continue to provide PPE as needed - look out for our stylish masks commissioned from local BAME designer Tye Jones

    We're proud to partner with local community leaders and organisations - our cover photo features John Sykes of Miguel's Boxing Gym in Brixton who distributed PPE locally - as well as schools, foodbanks, care homes, community kitchens, and homeless charities

    Mask designs by local designer Tye Jones


    We’re fundrasing for a second time!


    Local communities – improving wellbeing through real-world interaction, hands-on making and practical engagement

    Support us and you can ...


    Our approach is based on the Five Ways to Wellbeing:

    1. Connect with other people 2. Be physically active 3. Learn new skills 4. Give to others 5. Pay attention to the present moment (mindfulness)



    South London Makerspace

    Updates appear here

      4 years ago

      South London Makerspace started crowdfunding

      Leave a message of support

      Page last updated on: 12/2/2020 13.24



      • Richard McGrath

        Richard McGrath

        Dec 2, 2020


      • Billy Wood

        Billy Wood

        Dec 1, 2020


      • Scott Bradbury

        Scott Bradbury

        Nov 27, 2020


      • Anonymous


        Nov 21, 2020


      • BPCG


        Nov 8, 2020

      • Anonymous


        Oct 26, 2020



      • Fraser, Simon and Sue, Damon

        Fraser, Simon and Sue, Damon

        Oct 26, 2020


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      About the fundraiser
      South London Makerspace

      South London Makerspace


      We're a social community workshop of around 300 members in Herne Hill - discovering how we can keep making and keep being a community during the various tiers of lockdown We have facilities, skills and interests ranging from weaving to rocket building with many stops in between!

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