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Emma Baker raised £8,982 from 269 supporters


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Closed 15/09/2020

raised of £10,000 target by 269 supporters

    Iʼve raised £8,982 to Support Maisie May’s Journey

    Funded on Tuesday, 15th September 2020

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    This is extremely hard for me to put into words and it may come as a shock but Maisie May suffered a horrific lawn mower accident at home in Norfolk on Wednesday 13th May 2020.

    We are a family of 5 with 3 amazing daughters (Mum - Emma, Dad - Chris, Maisie aged 5, Poppy aged 4 and Freya aged 7 months)

    At lunchtime my Dad - Keith who lives next door came over and offered to cut the grass at our house. He gives me a bit of warning because we have a large garden and the kids do tend to throw their toys all over the lawn which makes it impossible to mow, my partner Chris was at work.

    I said i would go out in the garden with the kids and start tidying up and my dad said he would go and get the mower. This was a normal thing what we would do. Dad pulled up with the mower and Maisie opened the gates to let her Grandad in. The front lawn was empty so he started mowing it and as usual my daughters Maisie and Poppy started chasing their grandad who was driving the ride on lawn mower as they usually do and I kept shouting at them to STOP and come away as I was concerned he may hurt them by driving into them. I also wanted them to help tidy their toys off the lawn, so my dad could mow.

    I was busy tidying and walking the toys to the playhouse and slowly moving them away. I had Freya in her pushchair near the house and my dad was still mowing.

    My dad didn’t see Maisie had fallen behind the mower and when he reversed the lawn mower completely removed her left foot from her leg and large toe on her right foot. Her foot was thrown from the mower approx 30ft colliding into the back of my leg. At the time it sounded like the mower grinding a stone and thought i was hit by a rock. The mower cut out. I immediately turned round and saw a bone in a mud area but didn't think what it could be as we live on a farm and see dead animals from time to time.

    i then saw Poppy at the back of the mower looking scared and I thought they threw something into the mower which caused the rock to be thrown. I was horrified to see my daughter Maisie stuck under the Mower. My Dad lifted the mower and i pulled her out and saw that Maisie was bleeding and missing a foot and she was missing something on her right foot. I was so shocked and totally freaked but needed to be strong for my daughter. I was a Police Officer and i felt that my training sprung into action to save my daughter.

    I took Control of the situation and shouted for my Dad to call 999. Whilst I was attempting to stop the flow of blood to both legs/feet. I was sat their in total fear that my daughter was going to bleed to death and what can I do to save her. I told my dad to tell the ambulance that it’s not just a cut she has no foot I need help fast. My poor Daughter Poppy had witnessed it all to. I needed more help but no phone on me and no free hands so i got Poppy to run next door to get her Nanny-Sarah as i needed ice and a towel to try and save Maisies limbs so that it maybe possible for the doctors to get them back on her tiny helpless body.

    My daughter asked her Nan to get lots of Plasters for Maisie as she was bleeding and my mum didnt know what she was walking into!

    My mum was horrified as she approached. I shouted we need to save her foot and toe and directed her to the bone i remember seeing on the floor in the mud. I said i think that was Maisie foot as I was hit by something and saw a bone there. I was right and mum picked it up screaming and i could see Maisies toe was laying on the grass behind the mower. So I shouted for my mum to get this too.

    The Paramedics were amazing and arrived so fast they had put bandages on to hold the wounds and I was so worried as I could feel the blood pumping on my hand. They applied a tourniquet and knew that if that was on for too long that their would be no way that she would be able to have her foot / toe put back on.

    We attended Kings Lynn Hospital and due to the Corona virus everyone looked like they had space suits on it was very daunting. I ran to toilet to wash the blood away and I didn’t want my daughter to be frightened by looking at me and the amount of blood she had lost. They were in discussions if to transport via helicopter or ambulance to Addenbrooke’s Hospital.

    Due to the corona virus things have been extremely tough. As the hospital is locked and they will only let 1 parent with a patient at 1 time. No siblings are allowed to visit which I am totally gutted about as it has been pulling our family apart. My partner has been amazing supporting our little girl and she has always had us by her side.

    Maisie and Poppy have been totally amazing. The strength that Maisie had was unbelievable she is a extremely strong girl and to go through all that without passing out/crying etc was crazy. Both our daughters remember the whole incident start to finish which breaks my heart 💔

    This has been soooo hard on the whole family, but I dread to think how my poor dad is feeling in all this as he never once dreamed this would happen. As a family we have been total traumatised. I had no idea on the dangers Surrounding the ride on mower. My initial fears were they could get knocked over not that this would ever happen!

    Our family, friends and community have shown a huge support for us at this difficult time but i need to think on the life long effects this is now going to have on our daughter and I am so keen for this not to happen to someone else’s family as I know their are so many people out their that would be unaware of the dangers to 😢

    At the moment Maisie has had 2 operations 13/5/2020 and 16/5/2020 The first operation was to determine if Maisies foot would be suitable for replantation. The surgeons worked hard for 10hours cleaning trying to reattach her left foot. The operation went well and the mananged to reconnect the foot and blood supply But amputation is still possible which is a hard thing to take in. And Maisie sadly lost her big toe on the right foot which I have not yet seen as it’s still bandaged up.

    Maisie then had to return to surgery again after a few days as her temperature was spiking and their was a risk of infection in the wounds so they had to clean it out And remove anything dead from within. This was a real worry as I was in fear that she would come back with no foot and this always worry’s me to think how will she cope with this in the future.

    Maisie has more operations planned as they need to try and reconnect the bones, tendons, ligaments, nerves and to monitor blood supply to the foot. Maisie will be under a consultant for the next 15years as they will need to monitor so much.

    I have been told that if her foot does take then we need to be prepared for a deformed foot as the growth bones have been damaged, and that her foot may not grow well and that it maybe very stiff for her.

    I have so many things going around my head how will she cope mentally? What will her mobility be like? How can we get her through this? How will she be towards her grandad?

    I am so pleased she is her with us today and being a fighter, as this could of been an even more serious and potentially life threatening incident.

    I am totally heartbroken for my little girl💔 I feel so sad/sick and helpless at the moment and just keep crying 😭

    This is going to be a long recovery for her. Maisie is going to need as much support as she can. And will need things to aid her recovery moving forward hence setting up this just giving account for her so if you would like to given a donation to support Maisie we would be totally grateful but it’s not a must as I know Maisie would also want to make sure no one else will be hurt in this way again.

    Maisie has been making cards and gifts for other patients in the hospital and said she is going to be a doctor working at Addenbrookes in the future.

    Please please please spread the word to keep your Children indoors when mowing as the stats for amputations caused by lawn mowers are sooooo high and never really publicised.

    Thank you for your support

    Emma - Maisie‘s Mummy xxx



    • Emma Baker5 years ago
      Emma Baker

      Emma Baker

      5 years ago

      Thank you all for your support and for helping to raise awareness to others. Sadly this page had now been closed but I have opened a new one which can be found on the link below Many Thanks Emma x

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    • Emma Baker5 years ago
      Emma Baker

      Emma Baker

      5 years ago

      Maisie has now been in Hospital for over 5weeks. And we now have a wheelchair, which Maisie is loving her independence in. She is becoming a whizz and has learnt so fast how to turn and go backwards. We had fun decorating the wheels and sticking lots of stickers over them. Having this wheelchair has put a huge smile on Maisies face and means that we can now go outside in the wards gardens more freely, which has made a huge difference to Maisies Wellbeing. Thank you all for your support x

      Update from the Page owner

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    • Emma Baker5 years ago
      Emma Baker

      Emma Baker

      5 years ago

      We can not thank you all enough for the support you have given to our family at this difficult time. Our local community have been especially amazing and we are totally overwhelmed by the love and support you have all given. Just to give a little update… Maisie has now had 7 Operations in total and more are scheduled. I will update more news soon. Thank you again and please remember to spread the word about the dangers of mowers 🙏

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    5 years ago

    Emma Baker started crowdfunding

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    Page last updated on: 9/29/2020 09.31



    • Anonymous


      Aug 31, 2020


    • Naomi Clayton

      Naomi Clayton

      Aug 4, 2020

      I'm sending with love from Theo and libby from Tilney All Saints school x


    • Anonymous


      Jul 31, 2020

      I don’t know you, I came across your page and I was heartbroken for you all. Maisy May you sound incredible. I wish you well in your journey to recovery. Take care Donna x


    • LTS Consultancy Ltd

      LTS Consultancy Ltd

      Jun 23, 2020

      Wish Maisie a speedy recovery


    • Anonymous


      Jun 23, 2020


    • Anonymous


      Jun 19, 2020


    • Anonymous


      Jun 16, 2020

      Wishing Maisie a speedy recovery x


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