Iʼve raised £650 to help the club with the finance during the lockdown. Also has lost its owner Les Stevens due to covid 19. Let us raise funds for the club.
- Funded on Friday, 28th August 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
The club has had to face a colossal loss with the passing away of the founder and owner Les Stevens. Thr club runs on subs from boxers and with no revenue to run the club and pay its rent, lets all help in raising money for the club.
Updates appear here
M A Dad started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Lavina Ghai
May 8, 2020
May the legacy of uncle Les continue through the heart of the club. God bless. Lavina Ghai 😊
May 1, 2020
Met Les through you AZ, Adam Azim, hussan Azim Les 🥊 was kind soul he will truly be missed and forever remembered you were one in a million Les Les has left a void no one can fill. Rip Les 😢💔
May 1, 2020
All the best
Paul Stevens
May 1, 2020
Best of luck with hitting your target
James Mitchell
May 1, 2020
We need this club to keep running in memory of Les Stevens and for all us fighters who train there.
Christchurch ABC
Apr 30, 2020
Glad to help in tough times. Keep Fighting and hope things work out. Christchurch ABC
Apr 30, 2020
Great Cause 👍🏼
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