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Lucy Mathison raised £1,210.75 from 50 supporters


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Closed 05/07/2019

raised of £1,190 target by 50 supporters

    Iʼve raised £1,210 to Help Lucy regain her freedom and independence with a powerchair!

    Funded on Friday, 5th July 2019

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    My mental health took a really bad turn just over a year ago, and during a psychotic episode I got myself into an unsafe situation. As a result of this I severely broke my left leg.

    Since then I have had surgery on my leg/foot and have recently been told that I have developed arthritis due to the severe break and how it has healed.

    Since the incident I have been suffering from debilitating back pain and muscle pain for which the cause is still being investigated. Because these issues are currently undiagnosed and under investigation, I am unable to get vouchers on the NHS to help with the funding.

    With all of this going on, it‘s frustating that I have fainting episodes as this also contributes to me not being able to stand for even short periods of time. When I am standing, I am only able to stand on my tip-toes due to the bone in my leg setting incorrectly.

    As a result of these ongoing medical problems I have had to use a wheelchair to get around, however the wheelchair I was able to afford is incredibly heavy and therefore hard to get around in, I am unable to propel myself more than a few metres most days.

    As you can probably tell by now, with having mental health problems also, most of the time I am trapped both in my body and in my mind.

    I am trying to fund for a lightweight wheelchair in which I would have a huge amount more independence. This would massivly benefit both my mental health and my physical health, as I would be able to start doing short distances in the lightweight chair and slowly build up muscle so I can further my independence. In my heavyweight current chair I can hardly move myself.

    I have tried out the chair that I am now raising money for, and noticed straight away that it would provide an incredible amount of freedom for me. This is why I am now on a mission to raise money to be able to afford the chair that I can rediscover my life in.



    • Lucy Mathison6 years ago
      Lucy Mathison

      Lucy Mathison

      6 years ago

      Just in case anyone is interested in what chair Lucy is planning in getting, here is a photo of it! Lucy is aware of the updates, she would be writing them but she isn't great at using the website and I can't do it with her cause we're about 200 miles apart! Sorry this has been split into 3 separate updates, there is a character limit per update! -Sarah

      Update from the Page owner

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    • Lucy Mathison6 years ago
      Lucy Mathison

      Lucy Mathison

      6 years ago

      We are all very excited about how close we are to being able to afford the powerchair! We are just about £100 from finally being able to purchase a chair suitable for Lucy to use independently! We are so grateful the people that have got us this far! Can you imagine a year of being unable to go outside alone? It's now over a year since the incident which left Lucy unable to walk and we are so incredibly excited for her to finally be able to get out and about again with the freedom a 20 year old should have! Thank you for all your help!

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    • Lucy Mathison6 years ago
      Lucy Mathison

      Lucy Mathison

      6 years ago

      After a long time fund raising and little to no improvement in Lucy's physical health, we have decided it is best for Lucy to get a power chair with her fundraising because it costs less and immediately restores a lot of her freedom. We are still hoping to get Lucy an active chair at some point but we are trying with wheelchair services and know friends in the area who wheelchair services (NHS funding) took a year even to respond to their application! Any help would be incredibly appreciated! -Sarah (Lucy's friend)

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    6 years ago

    Lucy Mathison started crowdfunding

    Leave a message of support

    Page last updated on: 5/22/2019 13.06



    • Becca and Annabel Wakefield

      Becca and Annabel Wakefield

      May 22, 2019


    • Anonymous


      May 21, 2019

    • Jade


      May 18, 2019

      Love you!!


    • Dani Fifis

      Dani Fifis

      May 18, 2019

      I'm sorry for your struggles but admire your perseverance. I suffer from lyme disease and chronic pain. I definitely understand the frustration, I hope this helps at least a small measure!


    • Anonymous


      May 16, 2019

    • fi


      Apr 16, 2019

      fingers crossed you get the support and help you need 🥰 sending love

    • Megan Embleton

      Megan Embleton

      Mar 25, 2019

      Love you loads ❤️


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    About the fundraiser
    Lucy Mathison

    Lucy Mathison


    I’m a 20 year old who has a ‘polar’-dog in training as an assistance dog. His name is Murphy. I am living with chronic pain, and mental health problems. I’m a wheelchair user and unfortunately, I have lost my independence. Being only 20,this has impacted my life quite negatively.

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