We did it!
Sarah Holder raised £579 from 33 supporters
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Closed 05/12/2018
Iʼve raised £579 to Action Against Hunger
- Manchester, UK
- Funded on Wednesday, 5th December 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
Taste the Love is hosting a charity supper club this October as part of the Manchester Food and Drink Festival fringe events. All proceeds from "Love Food Give Food " will be donated to the charity Action Against Hunger
This is an online raffle raising money for Action Against Hunger. For each £3 you donate we will put your name into the raffle once. For each £10 you donate we will put your name in four times, so the more you donate the more chance you have of winning one or more of our fabulous prizes. And don't forget all money raised goes to charity!
90 Minute Full Body Massage at Golden Tree Massage
2 x free tickets to Skyliner Tour
Dinner and drinks for two at Grub
Lunch or Dinner for two at Hartnett Holder & Co
£50 voucher for Man Bites Frog
Dinner for two at Yakumama
Prints by Sarah Blythe
Food for two at The Spoon Inn
Jewellery by WaunderHaus
Prints by Jack McConnell
Handmade Screen Printed Bags by Sally Gilford
£50 Taste the Love gift voucher
Circus House ArielSkills Lesson
Circus House Acrobalance Lesson
Circus House Youth Circus Lesson
Edible treats from Trove
Oddfellows Barbers grooming box
With more to be announced....
£3 per entry
£10 for 4 tickets
If you want to come to the supper club, you can get tickets here .
See the menu:
Arrival Drink
Apple Fizz Cocktail
Chestnut & Pancetta Soup
Sweet Potato Gnocchi, Almond & Rocket Pesto
Mutton Croquettes, Mint & Anchovy Dip
Rosemary Posset, Smashed Blackberries, Candied Orange & Walnut Snap
Updates appear here
Sarah Holder started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
John Dupre
Oct 16, 2018
Well done Sarah
Oct 5, 2018
Thanks for the lovely meal on Thursday. Best of luck in reaching your target!
Oct 4, 2018
Big love Sarah xxxxx
Rose Davies
Oct 4, 2018
Great work Sarah! Wish I could be there. :)
Oct 4, 2018
Can't wait to help Hunger by eating more of your delicious food.Here are our raffle monies. X
Luke Gallagher
Oct 4, 2018
james baker
Oct 4, 2018
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered charity.
The page owner is responsible for the distribution of funds raised.
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