We did it!
Lostock Hall PTA pta raised £1,802 from 261 supporters
Start your own crowdfunding page
Closed 08/02/2022
Iʼve raised £1,802 to Restock the school library with new & exciting books for the children to read and enjoy.
- Poynton
- Funded on Tuesday, 8th February 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
Would you like to donate towards LOSTOCK HALL PTA fundraising?
The school PTA is run as a charity by volunteer parents and carers of the school.
The COVID pandemic has obviously led to major restrictions on our usual events and the way we fundraise during the school year.
We therefore have a big challenge this year to raise funds to cover our commitment to the schools key projects through running events virtually and via this page.
These commitments include significant investment in brand new reading resources, new playground markings and much more.
Thank you for your time and generosity.
Updates appear here
Lostock Hall PTA pta started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Thomas Charlotte Xmas jumper
Dec 17, 2021
break the rules day
Dec 10, 2021
Mark, Lily and Lara
Harry and Anna
Dec 10, 2021
Break the rules day
Charlotte and Thomas
Dec 10, 2021
Break the rules day
Tony Hallworth
Dec 8, 2021
Let's get lots of new books for the Lostock Hall Library 📖 📕 📘 📗 📓 📚
None Uniform day
Oct 22, 2021
Mark , Lily and Lara Matthews
George Eze (preschool)
Jul 22, 2021
2 x polo shirts
What is crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered charity.
The page owner is responsible for the distribution of funds raised.
Great people make things happen
Do you know anyone in need or maybe want to help a local community cause?
Create you own page and donʼt let that cause go unfunded!
About Crowdfunding