We did it!
Lorraine Senior raised £1,677 from 36 supporters
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Closed 29/05/2018
Iʼve raised £1,677 to support 3 special schools in Zambia, sharing the wellbeing skills of Functional Reflex Therapy with staff, pupils + parents
- Choma, Southern Province, Zambia
- Funded on Tuesday, 29th May 2018
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What a super feeling it is, to be able to support and to make just a little difference. We witnessed the many benefits to sharing skills, training staff and working with pupils at St Mulumba Special School when we had the privilege to visit in July 2017. We were welcomed so warmly and staff were so enthusiastic to introduce their new skills into the classroom it was truly a life changing experience for us all! We have accepted the invitation from 3 headteachers to return this year to support staff, pupils and parents in outreach communities. We look forward to providing our time to teach the skills for staff to deliver the Functional Reflex Therapy; a positive touch relaxation routine, supporting children with complex health needs and communication issues. We look forward to providing the FRT tool kit, educational resources and some personal products on our visit.
- 7 years ago
Lorraine Senior
7 years agoJust a week until the Functional Reflex Therapy Global Project gets underway. Wonderful equipment, teaching resources and kindly donated materials packed and ready for training; along with a little fun stuff! had to be done :) Thank you everyone for your support we know that Siavonga Primary School, Flamboyant Special School and St Mulumba Choma are looking forward to welcoming us to share skills with staff, pupils and parents. If you would like to follow the project please do like the Functional Reflex Therapy facebook page for up dates
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- 7 years ago
Lorraine Senior
7 years agoOur just giving page for the global project 2018 is now closed.Thank you so much everyone. We are truly overwhelmed with the support we have received. We look forward to updating you with our travel and work and share the success of the projects; we hope you enjoy being part of it. Please do continue to share information about our work and visit the website links http://www.functionalreflextherapy.co.uk/about-lorraine/frt-global-projects.html www.uk-aid.org
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- 7 years ago
Lorraine Senior
7 years agoFeeling proud :) and a little achy-One of the many fund raising events accomplished yesterday! Marathon Challenge there and back -the Tissington Trail. Aptly titled the #sunriseshuffle we started as the sun rose over the beauty of the Peak District and the speed of my walk helps the title! my excuse was the importance to enjoy the beauty of our surroundings:) Thankyou to my wonderful family and friends ...we did it! We are supporting two projects; Martin will drive humantarian aid to the Revival Centre in the Ukraine. Thanks everyone
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Lorraine Senior started crowdfunding
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Debbie Hurst
May 21, 2018
Well done Lorraine. Xx
R Plumb
May 21, 2018
Well done Lorraine and all the family
Liz Aydon
May 20, 2018
Well done to you all ...what a fantastic project to support xx
Donald Lowe
May 20, 2018
Well done to you all
Jill Brooksbank
May 20, 2018
Well done from the Brooksbanks
Ian Brown
May 20, 2018
Wishing you every success from across the valley
Gina Stewart
May 19, 2018
Well done!
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Lorraine Senior
Choma, Southern Province, Zambia
I am the founder of Functional reflex Therapy. A qualified FRT Reflexologist and teacher working for over 25 years supporting children with intellectual disabilities, autism, profound and multiple learning difficulties and complex health needs.