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Alison Stringer raised £2,905 from 33 supporters


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Closed 10/12/2018

raised of £100,000 target by 33 supporters
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Iʼve raised £2,905 to rebuild the village of Kerandangan, Lombok and provide interim aid.

Funded on Monday, 10th December 2018

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Following our successful fundraising last week to help one family in the Lombok village of Kerandangan, we now want to raise money to help more people and rebuild more houses in Kerandangan. Please see the summary below and also for more details see our dedicated website at:

At least 94 houses have been totally destroyed by the 7.0 earthquake on 5th August, and the subsequent strong aftershocks. There has been only one fatality in the village to date – a situation surely owing to the timing of the main shock at 7pm when few people would be inside their small houses.

The whole village are currently sleeping under makeshift tents that are in no way watertight and we are probably just a few weeks away from the rainy season. It has already rained on the night of 19th August. We are hoping very much that the government or aid agencies will provide proper tents soon, but so far there has been no sign of this and it seems it will be many months before this is given out - see News section on

As there has been much more devastation in villages nearer the epicentre, with roads damaged and many deaths (inevitably more than the 387 counted so far), the focus has so far been on these communities.

As Erwan and I have many longstanding friends in Kerandangan who are now homeless, and others good friends who are in a position to help on the ground, we want to focus our efforts at fundraising on the one village of Kerandangan. As some families will hopefully be helped by their western-owned employers (hotels, private individuals etc), we have set up a Messenger group of mainly expats to share information about who is helping who in the village, to make sure donations do not overlap. The aim is to document the destroyed houses and their owners of the whole village and we will update photos and stories on our facebook pages and below as they are received and information on distribution of aid.

The Indonesian President, shortly to commence his re-election campaign, has announced compensation of up to Rp50m per house (£2,700). We are concerned that this will not be enough, given the inevitable building materials and labour cost inflation. If there is much delay there is also a high risk of diseases spreading as the rainy season can start any time from September onwards. Two weeks after the disaster and with no tents distributed by the authorities (only 1,300 in total in Lombok so far) it doesn’t take a pessimist to feel that private fundraising needs to fill the gaps fast. Please therefore help us to reach our target and forward this link to your online networks.

If this fundraising is successful and in any way results in surplus funds to what is needed (highly unlikely!) we will donate the remainder to our close friends Francesco (Cecco) Bruno and his colleagues at Autore who are focussing on areas further afield. We know they will carry on this work as long as there are donations available, see

About the fundraisers: Alison Stringer and Erwan Manansyah live in Barnstaple, North Devon. Erwan is from Mataram, Lombok and we have lived in Kerandangan for over 4 years, leaving in 2008, but returning each year for up to 6 weeks each year since. Alison works in an online business serving the reinsurance sector, owned by Euromoney Institutional Investor Plc. Erwan is a self-employed sports coach and also musician, mainly entertaining residents of care homes for the elderly in North Devon. We still have close links with many people in Kerandangan (and in fact just spent 4 weeks there, leaving the day after the first quake struck on 29th July). In the last week we have been online for many hours talking to people to find out what’s going on day by day and who has lost what. We are fortunate that none of Erwan's family have lost homes or livelihoods. We promise that no funds raised will go to paid help, other than builders rebuilding people’s houses. We hope you will trust us to spend donations wisely and will post regular updates.



  • Alison Stringer6 years ago
    Alison Stringer

    Alison Stringer

    6 years ago

    Hi everyone. Just wanted to let you know that we continued our updates on a Facebook page for 'Justonevillage'. Please let me know if you can't access that and would like an update separately. We have continued to raise money via other avenues with some particularly big contributions from one person and have supplied materials for over 600 shelters to date. More is being done in January and we will update the Facebook page when Erwan is back at the end of the month from a visit to Lombok and Manipa, near Ambon.

    Share this update to help us raise more

  • Alison Stringer7 years ago
    Alison Stringer

    Alison Stringer

    7 years ago

    We have built 7 shelters so far and have enough money to build c.7 more. Francette Waterblez of the Association Sourires d'Indonésie has also raised enough to provide 5 shelters and we have private donations for another 2. Other donors have also built some shelters in the village, but there are c.60 families still needing to get out of the tents in Kerandangan. The government money does not appear to be materialising any time soon, according to local sources. Mosquito nets, cooking equipment and other essentials all still needed urgently.

    Share this update to help us raise more

  • Alison Stringer7 years ago
    Alison Stringer

    Alison Stringer

    7 years ago

    Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far. I think some of you contributed before we did the website so please check that out and forward to friends. More people will be added tomorrow (22 Aug 2018).

    Share this update to help us raise more

7 years ago

Alison Stringer started crowdfunding

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Page last updated on: 1/12/2019 13.58



  • Sharon Davidson

    Sharon Davidson

    Oct 13, 2018

    Hard to know what to say Alison.. you are certainly giving your friends and family hope. I'm sure that every donation makes a difference too . Love to you all x


  • Sue Cresswell

    Sue Cresswell

    Oct 9, 2018

    A coffee morning at Christ Church Braunton raised money for the Indonesian Earthquake Appeal which we are giving to your fundraising page. Erwan is my nephew's badminton coach on Wednesday evenings.


  • Anonymous


    Oct 3, 2018

    Those poor families. Im praying for the region.


  • Anonymous


    Sep 24, 2018

    Great work Alison and Erwan and good luck over the next few months xxx Rosie

  • Anonymous


    Sep 15, 2018

    Hi,i am transfering the donation on the behalf of Isabelle Brosseau. Thank you so much Alison for being there for so many amazing people. Good luck with the fundraising.


  • Ann Harris

    Ann Harris

    Sep 3, 2018

    Hi AlisonYou're doing a great job. Hope there have been no more aftershocks that we have not heard of.


  • Anonymous


    Sep 2, 2018

    Thinking of your family and friends x


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Alison Stringer


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