We did it!
Liz Milligan raised £2,612.09 from 140 supporters
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Closed 30/11/2020
Iʼve raised £2,612 to Purchase a thermal imagine drone to help search for missing pets on a voluntary basis. If you have a pet please support this fundraiser.
- Kilmarnock
- Funded on Monday, 30th November 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
I want to raise these funds to buy a thermal imaging drone and spare batteries. I will volunteer with Drone Sar for Lost Dogs UK (find them on fb). This is a group of volunteers who go out with the drones to help locate missing pets. Please give generously as this could be your pet one day.
- 4 years ago
Liz Milligan
4 years agoThanks very much to everyone who has donated. A thermal drone and thermal scope has been purchased to help missing pets in Ayrshire. The drone has been insured and I have my CAA pilots licence which allows me to operate the drone. I am currently looking into insurance for the scope.
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- 5 years ago
Liz Milligan
5 years agoWe have reached the £3,000 required for the drone. Thanks very much to everyone that donated. This will help the missing pets in Ayrshire.
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- 5 years ago
Liz Milligan
5 years ago50% OF TARGET NOW REACHED Thanks to Go Play Go Sniff Ayrshire for their very generous donation, all other donations, and the raffle I'm doing, we are half way to our total needed to buy the drone. Fundraising stopped due to Covid. In the last few weeks I have reunited a cat missing for 8 months, scanned 3 dogs and got them home, been involved with helping the owners of another 3 missing dogs; 1 safely home, the other two (Milly and Dave) sadly still missing. A drone would be ideal to help get these dogs home. Please keep giving/sharing. Ta x
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Liz Milligan started crowdfunding
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Aug 11, 2020
Lynn Murdoch
Jul 25, 2020
Thanks for all the amazing work that you do. Let’s hope Dave is home soon 🙏🐾
Ross Duddy
Jul 25, 2020
Angela Cassidy
Jul 25, 2020
Let's get this furbaby back home
Helen-Anne Duddy
Jul 21, 2020
Thank you so much for your tirelessly efforts in getting Dave home , please please dont give up 💙🐾🙏
Jul 21, 2020
Hope you get more than enough.
Jul 19, 2020
Good Luck
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Liz Milligan
I am a volunteer who scans found animals, alive or deceased. So many dogs go missing and could be found much quicker with a thermal imaging drone. Please donate if you have a pet as hopefully not, but one day you may need the help of a drone.