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Claire Dixon raised £325 from 23 supporters
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Closed 30/12/2016
Iʼve raised £325 to Help a little stray cat with her dental costs. Fang needs her teeth removing due to long term decay.
- Coventry, United Kingdom
- Funded on Friday, 30th December 2016
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On a cold November Friday morning, this tiny, hungry, thin, stinky cat arrived at my back door. Her top canines poked out under her lips, so I nicknamed her Fang. I gave her some food and she moved into my lean-to conservatory. I gave her a blanket, a hot water bottle and some food and water. She stayed under her blanket for two days, then on Sunday we brought her inside.
We took her to be scanned, but she was unchipped.
We gave her a bath. Her fur was falling out in places due to fleas.
We took her to the vets on the Monday. She was weighed, she is less than 2 kilos. Her awful tooth decay was discovered. All her teeth will need removing. We have her on antiinflammatories and antibiotics, but removal will end that problem.
Little Fang is going to be Toothless.
Despite her terrible toothache, she is a sweet cat, eager for stokes and fuss. In just five days from her arrival, her purr is louder and she is becoming much chattier. She tries to trip me up at mealtimes, where as before she would just watch wide eyed and cautious.
Little Fangs future is still unclear.
We have paid for FIV and feline leukemia tests. If positive, this is not a death sentence, merely a reduced life span. Unfortunately we already have 3 cats, and positive results will mean she will be a hazard to our cats and will need rehoming.
But first things first, little Fang needs her dental work done. For both her immediate comfort and to ease her rehoming if necessary.
- 8 years ago
Claire Dixon
8 years agoFang is all clear on her FIV and leukemia tests! The vet wants one more urine sample to check on her renal function. If that's good, we're all good.
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- 8 years ago
Claire Dixon
8 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 8 years ago
Claire Dixon
8 years agoThe vet will call today with Fangs test results for FIV and feline leukemia. He wants to do the results before planning any more treatment. Fingers crossed for clear results. She can stay with us. If she is infected, she might still have a shot at a shorter but comfortable life, in which case we will go ahead with her dental and work at getting her rehomed. Worst case is she is very infected and the best course may be euthanasia. Hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst. Good luck little Fang.
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christine sepahi
Nov 30, 2016
take good care of her
Amanda Williams
Nov 30, 2016
Read via Gladstone Treasury Cat Twitter account. Good luck little Fang - thank you for caring.
Nov 30, 2016
Nov 30, 2016
You are a kind hearted person. Thank you for looking after Fang.
Andrea Morrall
Nov 30, 2016
thank you got looking after Fang.
Marta Karolczak
Nov 30, 2016
Lowri Griffiths
Nov 30, 2016
Best wishes to Fang x
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